
"This is because I kicked you, isn't it?" could have been the achievement for kicking the turtle.

That sounds like Liam Neeson Simulator!

Wasteland 2 is kind of a slow game- the combat is turn based and tactical and the characters don't move across the map very quickly. I think it might be tough to get much out of it an hour at a time, but you might feel differently.

I've gone from struggling with the second to last non-secret boss in Dark Souls 3 to struggling with the actual last boss in Dark Souls 3. I haven't touched the last secret area yet- I may just leave it for later. I love the concept of the last boss as basically the most unfair PVP in history, where your opponent can

Agreed, it's a very good game. I'm horrible with the rifle, though- much like in real life, I couldn't shoot a target if my life depended on it.

I hope they remain faithful to the D&D tabletop game and have a scene where the main characters just make fun of every supporting character's name for a good ten minutes and then pull out their phones while one of them tries to knife a halfling that the DM has decided is a polymorphed green dragon because they're sick

Upvote for upvote.

The only Subway employee I knew boasted that he made the tuna with his feet. So that's one more thing to avoid, in my mind.

That's pretty much how his werewolf novel turned out. Great premise, okay execution.

Scholar of the First Sin did make the game more difficult than vanilla- for instance, there's an early area where they replaced one non-hostile enemy and a few hollows playing dead with a whole mess of hollows playing dead, enough to overwhelm you if you aren't really careful and the white knights in Heide's Tower of

I feel like blunt weapons have potential, since they have good AP and do pretty decent damage. But it really is a supplementary skill for snipers and assault rifle wielders, in my opinion. What you could do is start off with a bruiser wielding a sledgehammer in the early game and then invest in heavy weapons after

Yeah. It gets exhausting, especially because the game can be so GRITTY AND IN YOUR FACE AND NO HAPPY ENDINGS FOR ANYONE!! I'm trying out a slightly modified team of pregenerated characters (I took points out of the many skills that are garbage like Barter and Submachine guns, though I should have also ditched Bladed

It's difficult for me to say, since I've played them all and they feel less frustrating with that experience. If you haven't played DS and you still have a system or PC that can, I would say save your money for now and play that one. While the second and third improved the game mechanically, the first is still the

I got through most of the Royal Archives in Dark Souls 3- now I'm stuck on the greataxe knight/katana hunter/crystal mage battle near the top. Maybe I need to just clear the floor around them so I can lure them out of the plaza, but I got frustrated so I put it down. Still not sure if I want to do Archdragon Peak on

Or the Gollum-faced naked molerat guys or the water bears with hands for faces and when they grab you with their hands they chew on you. I've seen some shit, man.

After going up the ladder from the Dancer fight, instead of going straight ahead and fighting the knight and priest in the room full of knight graves, go left and down a set of stairs outside where a Cathedral knight is guarding an elevator- then you just take the elevator down and there you are. I would bring

I'm closing in on the end of Dark Souls 3! I beat Aldritch after leveling up killing silver knights enough to have more health and enough strength to use the Black Iron Greatshield. After a couple more tries at him with the Wolf Knight Greatsword, I finally bested him! After that, the Dancer of the Boreal Valley

I will continue plugging away at Dark Souls 3, even though I'm getting a little tired of it for some reason. I blame Irithyll Dungeon and its bullshit jailers for making things too frustrating, but at least it's a short area and I managed to get the last NPC for Firelink Shrine out of there. I'm continuing through

I know that in the header image, Beardy is standing in front of another guy that's blurry. But when I first looked at it, it looked like Rick had grown an enormous tumor and had tried to comb his beard over it and now I can't stop seeing it that way.

My restart character in Dark Souls 3 is caught up to where my first man was in the game- but this time with NPC side quests proceeding correctly. I'm bashing my head against the wall with Pontiff Sully and wondering if I want to go down the dungeon instead, even though it creeps me the hell out. I did finish off