
Yeah, most likely. But I'm starting to feel like all that's left are systematic dungeon crawls- and they know how to get to each Prophet's elemental bastion at this point, so it really would be just grinding up experience. I may just level them up at the appropriate times for the challenges rather than counting XP or

I do okay if I play the Marine or the Hunter, but whether or not I get a decent gun early is the make or break for Gungeon. It's still pretty fun and super cute, even if I'm pretty sure I'll never 100% complete it.

My worst impulses won out and I restarted Dark Souls 3; fortunately, though, I'm doing much better with this new character. To start I'm focusing on Strength and Dex before going heavier on Faith to use more miracles throughout the game and since I've had some time to warm up to how things work now I'm playing a

I picked up a copy of Persona 4 for PS2 a few years ago, but never got too far into it. I felt the overwhelming sense that I was about to screw up the ideal path through the game and I had to put it down.

I feel like this one definitely has a more smooth difficulty curve.

Yeah, I looked it up on the wiki because that's the only way I can make good progress. On the one hand, I'm tempted to make a new character designed for his gear and then kill him at the beginning so I can have it for most of the game- but the stat requirements are so high I might as well just use my current character

I'm finally not working on the weekend! And I've been able to put more time into Dark Souls III! I'm currently running through Irithyll and trying to get the NPC invasions there. Enjoying it a whole lot, though not being able to upgrade armor like in Demon's Souls and Dark Souls seems like an odd choice. I'm

I'm glad the Spelunky book is good! I read the Earthbound one, which wound up being about the author's experience as a child actor and surviving Crohn's disease than about, you know, the game.

Your character is mostly built around hopping around and dodging attacks, retaliating with a sword or different guns. Character build is only really effected by what upgrades you get first- they should probably steer you toward the infinite dodge/dash move first in my opinion, but you can unlock things in the order

I'm not good at this game at all, but I've gotten maybe 3/4s of the way through it, not counting the optional secret areas. It takes a good amount of practice to be fluid with the combat but there are a good number of healing items scattered around and they seem to be refreshed every time you restart the game.

Yeah, he's pretty much Artorias with snot projectiles.

I like the return to the DS longsword moveset- being able to thrust attack in narrow hallways makes it all around the most adaptable weapon available.

I am unfortunately going into work this weekend and I have an engagement party on Saturday night, so there will be little time for games. What time I have tonight and Sunday night I'll spend on Dark Souls III, like many of you. Started with a knight, my favorite class in all of the games and I'm enjoying it a lot.

Once you got the Lordvessel about 1/2 way or 3/4 of the way through the game you could warp to a few bonfires, but not all of them.

Absolutely. It's not immune to criticism, but I think it did a lot of things well and it's a solid entry. The great level design in DS was so important because you couldn't warp from bonfire to bonfire out of the gate.

I can only start playing this tonight, due to stupid work and meeting my older sister's boyfriend last night (which was quite nice and not stupid like work). But I'm going to play as much as humanly possible when I get out of this dank, urine-soaked hellhole.

Thanks for the advice! Yeah, I started in the East since I feel like that's where you're supposed to start.

Logarius is tough and hectic, but I had a lot of fun with that fight. Learning to parry him can be really helpful.

I will maybe be working on Demon's Souls again. I put it down in frustration after the first level of the Valley of Defilement and dying to the Leechmonger- it's been a while since I fought it, so I forgot a lot of what I'm supposed to do and apparently stand right next to it and smack it with your turpentine flaming

A friend of mine got into an enormous line to see Moebius, only to find out too late the the line was for Tim Bradstreet and Moebius' table next door was practically vacant. So he never got to meet him.