
While I wait with little patience for Dark Souls 3 to land on American shores in a wide release for we plebians, I'm going to try and get through Demon's Souls- the only Souls game that I haven't completed to my satisfaction.

I'm re-reading The Wind-Up Girl now and enjoying it a lot more this time around. I'm curious about the Water Knife, but I've also heard that Ship Breaker is really good.

I often just don't finish games, even when I love them. Something new comes along and I jump to that.

This weekend I won't be able to really play much of anything until Sunday, since my family does the Easter holiday on Saturday so that we can all get home and not miss work Monday. Weekly D&D session was cancelled last week, so that's three weeks in a row. Hopefully we'll resume in April, finally.

No! My bespoke *cough* Brooklyn beans!!

Occasionally the communists invade the American Heartland, but that's rare.

As a New York City resident, I'm starting to take it a bit personally that we've been wiped out so many times in apocalyptic movies and video games. I get it- seeing the statue of liberty crumble into the ocean is a good image but frankly it's starting to seem like people are enjoying the idea of all of us dying a

Nothing ever freaked me out quite like playing Resident Evil when the zombie dogs bust through the windows- until I played 4 for the first time- that village mob left my hands shaking and nothing could beat the complete feeling of defeat after getting my head cut off with a chainsaw.

I read it a few years ago and I'm tempted to try again- but it is a bit… dry.

Thinking about it, I'm a little disappointed that its undead lower half isn't hopping around Blight Town. There's plenty later on, but it would have been a fun payoff if you found its butt and legs in the swamp.

This weekend I have to finish an illustration for a Pathfinder fanzine and plan out more portfolio pieces so I can start pursuing paying illustration work again. If I have time to play video games, I will continue trying to loop in Nuclear Throne in ten to fifteen minute intervals or return to Pillars of Eternity and

I liked Hail Caesar a lot, too. I saw it in a sold out theater well after opening weekend (it sold out opening weekend as well)- but I imagine the Upper West Side in NYC isn't exactly a good barometer for the entire moviegoing public, based on how people are saying it's not doing well.

Around here we say "pee drinking man-fish", thank you very much Mr. College!

If I have time this weekend, I'll continue on with Pillars of Eternity. I'm playing through on normal mode and I'm not really min/maxing a lot, using the recruitable NPCs instead of making my own. And the game is tough, though part of that may be that I'm not upgrading my equipment very much, since I assume I'll get

I played Pathfinder since it came out and loved it quite a bit. It's a great system if you just like fiddling with rules and having a ridiculous amount of options as a player. Lately it's gotten really bloated with new rules and classes, so as a DM it gave me a serious headache. I like 5th edition because the rules

I would really like to play it, but there isn't a mac conversion so it looks like youtube is where I get to experience it.

I never got to play Bloodlines, but I did play a lot of Redemption, the lesser known and lesser loved Vampire game. Where combat was also terrible, the writing was okayish and the voice acting was pretty atrocious. But it was interesting to go from the crusades to 1999 with one character.

People didn't like Breath of Fire 2? I thought that game was great! Granted, it's been almost 17 years since I've played it.

My first exposure (to Moebius) was a book called 40 Days Dans le Desert, which was completely wordless. If you can track down the Moebius collection books- which are numbered samples of his comics- I feel like you can't go wrong. I'm hoping Dark Horse or another publisher is going to publish encyclopedia volumes at

Freaking Moebius. He makes everything about drawing look so completely effortless.