
I didn't think I would have time to play games this weekend, since I need to work on an illustration for a fanzine and hang out with my girlfriend and all the other things that take me away from the warm glow of digital entertainment. But, two people are going to be absent for our Sunday D&D game so I might suddenly

As a semi-vegetarian, I have to ask why anyone would even bother with toppings and horseradish on a bun when you can fill up on fried potatoes two ways? If Arby's is the only option, you might as well make it an excuse to binge on curly fries and normal fries. Or can you ask for a chip butty kind of things, where you


It's how the game is begging to be played!

Welp, guess I'm going to take another crack at Pillars at some point.

And you have to dig through the text to find out who the hell these delegates ARE. They don't get names until you find them in the cult dungeons! My players also wanted to join the Feathergale knights, but I spent some time building up their questionable goals of Waterdeep supremacy and had them send the PCs into a

I ran into an enemy that I plain couldn't kill in Grimrock 2 the other day, so I've put that one down for a minute. I'm also not ashamed to say that I looked up the solution to the annoying code puzzle in the Archives.

I'm tempted to check it out. I played Far Cry 3 up until the game forced me to engage with the story and it was pretty fun. A caveman HAS to be at least a little more sympathetic than an AdventureBro.

You'll throw bombs with bees and when the bombs explode they shoot bees at you! Well, go ahead! Do your worst!

Puzzles are a significant portion of the game. A lot of them can be skipped, I think, since it's less linear than the last one, but they are a major aspect.

I wish I had an attention span. After getting XCom 2 going, I've gotten the first Avatar project site blown up, so it seems like the situation is in hand. But I'm so damn sick of retaliation missions. I shouldn't want to leave civilians to die, but I kind of do since I'm so sick of how difficult and repetitive these

Darn it, now I have to actually learn a strategy involving other moves?

XCom 2! I've been steadily building up the team of butch lesbians the game started me off with and integrating a few men for diversity- not that VANDAL, FRIDGE and WHISKEY haven't held it down. It's become almost comical how often my ranger CRASH has been mind controlled by sectoids- it's like his calling card now

My self-expression in Street Fighter 2 involves spamming Blanka's electrical field and smacking my opponents' kneecaps. I am a man that considers the low hanging fruit to be the only fruit worth reaching for.

Fortunately it cuts off at thigh level before we can get to the pencil thin ankles and buckets of whey protein conveniently blocking the feet.

I used to openly ridicule adult coloring books, even as someone that works for a publisher that's put some out. But a good friend of mine swears by them as a means of dealing with her nervous breakdown levels of stress- even though I imagine the prescription weed does the heavy lifting there.

Emily Carroll is awesome!

I'm pretty into this game and I can't tell if the difficulty is overstated or if I'm just too used to the masochism/lucky on my current run/experienced with the game from early access. I do think that it could be made clearer that veteran characters won't go on easier missions before you level them up too much, but on

Well, messing with the formation can be pretty helpful in my experience. For instance, the undead courtier can only use their stress attack from the back, the arbalest can only do their most damaging attack from the rear and the skeletal shield guy has to straight up pass if he's in the 3rd or 4th slot. And pulling a

I just about always try to have either holy water or medicinal herbs for that reason. Especially in the Cove, a well placed herb can clear a bad quirk! Why are we even paying for an asylum, we need reefs of weird coral and fields upon fields of medicinal herbs!