
Dude, Plague Doctor + Occultist allows you to use the most powerful single target heal in the game while also mitigating its penalties. Plus, everything in the Cove is weak to blight as are quite a lot of the bosses. The Plague Doctor is pretty great once you get the right skills sorted out for how you want to use her.

I've sunk at least 160 hours into that game and I've gotten to the Throne maybe 5 times. I'm beginning to think that I just don't have the reflexes or manual dexterity to pull it off, but it's still a fun game that can eat up fifteen minutes between other things. Once I unlocked Steroids, it started

And that awful hank of hair!!

I feel like the release of The Witness is my comeuppance for droning on rapturously and at length about Bloodborne. Here's a game I have no interest in that will be the subject of editorials and debate for months to come.

Yeah. Baldur's Gate and Planescape are rightly lauded for their stories and the NPCs but I think I've replayed Icewind Dale (and it's underrated sequel) far more often since there's such a great atmosphere and so much room to experiment with the party lineup.

If the subways are running and I'm not snowed in at my girlfriend's apartment, I will continue my Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition game using my current D&D party as my group of six. I've got Korris Bandersnatch: human undead hunter, Mandork the Mighty: gnome berserker, Rowan: human druid, Hidruab: elven fighter/thief,

My roommate had been wanting to play something with couch co-op for a while now, so after he got me a PS4 controller for Xmas, I picked up Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls for PS4 and we started playing it a few hours at a time. It's pretty fun, definitely more fun than playing solo- but man is it easy. We bump up the

Yes! Jolly cooperation!

Gotta join the League, bro. I only managed to beat Ludwig after summoning both Valtr and one of the Butcher Bros from nearby- they tanked him quite nicely for me. I did feel a little ashamed that I turned to NPC summons, but I was ready for that fight to be done.

I have to put Bloodborne on the top of my short list because I bought a damn console just to play it. It's such a creepy, atmospheric game with tight combat mechanics. I love that describing the plot to someone makes it seem straightforward until you get to the point where it's just bat-shit insane. It's an audacious

I had too much free time and played through a lot of the Bloodborne Old Hunters DLC. I attempted Ludwig a bunch of times, then joined the League and summoned Valtr and the Younger Madaras Twin to help me out and… well, it swung the fight a little too far to the easy side. So I'm disappointed in myself, but not so much

That's what I've heard- maybe I'll explore Nightmare of Mensis some more and then jump into Old Hunters.

I took a pause from Fallout 4, despite thinking that I would just fast forward the main quest to avoid spoilers.

This weekend, I will likely be pushing forward into the river of blood in Bloodborne: The Old Hunters or putting on my grown-up pants and heading into the glowing sea in Fallout 4. I think one of the Minutemen walked off with my upgraded custom power armor after I liberated their freaking stronghold for them, so now I

I'm tackling it with a level 65 character- it's challenging, but not awful so far. Granted, I'm only on the first area and haven't found another lantern yet.

I've only gotten a little further than the first area of the DLC- Fallout 4 has kept me away and the initial trouble of readjusting to Bloodborne's rhythms were a little rough. However, I did start to get into it and all of its new additions the other night. I'm playing a level 65 character with a +7 holy blade- while

When I have time to play this weekend, I'll be splitting it up between Fallout 4 and Bloodborne. It's a bit of a shift going between the two- Fallout 4 certainly isn't an easy game but it's difficulty is blunted a bit by the handy quicksave feature. I only got a few minutes in on the Old Hunters expansion so far, but

I usually remind them that I also hand out the treasure. But I also will say "rocks fall, everyone dies!" through my tears. Only once in a while, though.

The best memory I have from D&D only happened a few years ago, after 17 years as a DM. A manticore had two PCs cornered on the crow's nest of a ship and the fighter wanted to try taunting it away. Trying to encourage her to roleplay more, I said,"Taunt the monster! Taunt me!" and she said,"You're fat and bald!" I

Looking forward to finding myself a nice sweater vest and a pair of spectacles so I can start running around the wasteland as Dad Squad, listening to the NPR type classical station. Maybe take up smoking a pipe.