
So far the stand-out moment of Fallout 4 has been my first encounter with feral ghouls in Lexington. Their movements are just right for a panic-inducing zombie assault, even stumbling after you and falling down in their bloodlust. I booked it, and then doubled back to cap the lot of them and rescue Dogmeat. And then a


So is the campaign mode single-player, similar to Baldur's Gate or Icewind Dale? Or do I need to… like… talk to people?

Finally! An excuse to roleplay as the post-apocalyptic equivalent of the guy that goes through my recycling at 6 AM each morning!

If we're talking about him at all, we've already played into his stubby hands.

Man, Kingdom Death. I backed the project 2 years ago (?) while I was on a miniatures kick… and then the Reaper kickstarter rewards came in to fill my apartment and now I have the 30 pound box of Kingdom Death under my desk at work because I don't know the best way to get it home yet. 4,000 pieces to paint and no time

Between the 1920s Halloween party I am being brought to and Sunday's D&D game, I may not have much time this weekend to play video games. If I can, I'd like to get back to Bloodborne and Pillars of Eternity maybe?

I forgot about Bone Wheel Skeletons, too. Goofy looking on their own until they surprise you from behind and chew through all of you health in seconds flat.

I think it was Might and Magic 5 where 14 year old me ran into a cave full of spiders and just shut the game down in a panic. They were waaaay too real for the time. Nowadays, I can handle it- the big fuzzy spiders in Skyrim give me no trouble, but at the time it was horrible.

I love the idea of the game and I've spent the money on it, but the three times I've played it (and Mansions of Madness) have all ended at 3 AM when we were all sick of the game, sick of each other and ready to chuck the whole thing. If you've played it a lot, you can probably get a 3-5 hour game out of it but it just

All anyone really needs to know about Kenneth Branaugh's Frankenstein is that he animates the Monster while shirtless with an open silk robe and leather pants, then wrestles with it in the amniotic fluid used to "birth" it.

I've played a lot of Borderlands 2 on mac this past week or so- it's a little baffling, since I was lukewarm to the game even when I first got it on 360 but it's kind of a nice option for after work when I just want the junk food gaming cycle of shoot dudes, get marginally better stuff, level up, repeat. So that's why

No D&D for us this weekend, but the last few weeks saw some progress in Princes of the Apocalypse. After fleeing the Shattered Stone monastery in a very Benny Hill escape scene, the PCs sought refuge and support at the chapter hall of the Paladin's order. I used this opportunity to steer them back toward the part of

I started working on Demon's Souls on the PS3 since it's the Souls game I've never beaten (besides Bloodborne- and at this point I may as well wait for the DLC). I've started and put down DS a bunch of times in the past, mostly because of my dread of the Valley of Defilement. So this time I'm starting with the Shrine

DKS2: I forget how you get that gate back open, but there absolutely is a way. I think if you keep climbing up the way they're funneling you you'll have the opportunity (after you burn the windmill, maybe?) to jump down between the fan blades and make your way back there. I'm not 100% sure, but I think that sounds

It is an amazing game- lightning in a bottle, really. SH2 was such a departure for the series when it came out since it didn't continue the storyline with the cult stuff, but now it's all the modern games want to ape (badly). I find Silent Hill 4 to be the most interesting and gonzo of all of them, personally, even if

The Merchant and Leon are both voiced by the same guy- which is why I believe that the Merchant is just a fragment of Leon's subconscious made manifest after being injected with las plagas. THINK ABOUT IT!

The few anecdotes I've heard about working for the FBI in counter-terrorism don't paint the most rosy picture. "Go befriend someone from Yemen and see if they know anyone" is a common assignment, that and booking someone that literally goes to the airport and says they intend to fly to Iraq to fight America. Many

I got back into Pillars of Eternity and now that I've gotten to Defiance Bay, I may end up turning around and doing either the Lord of a Barren Land quest or a few levels of the Endless Paths since I've left them mostly untouched. Part of me also just wants to get every companion first before doing anything but I

All I've learned is to never trust Mark Wahlberg with any of my secrets, since the first thing he'll do is tell it straight to the Pope and thousands upon thousands of people.