
Yet he's somehow not as cantankerous.

Using your spells and abilities seems like an outright necessity on Normal. You can't autopilot like in a lot of rpgs. I've found the Durance's continuous healing AOE helps keep the front liners going pretty well; popping the accuracy and deflection buffs from his spell list is also a good idea and Aloth's magic

Oooooooh. I'll have to look into that. The local non-gamestop retailer in my neighborhood advertises PS4s for $350 but I don't know what kind of hard drive that package comes with- and according to word on this site, you want the bigger hard drive.

I'll be heading to my folks' for the holiday that we only sort of celebrate to play with a dachshund and eat potato salad. I'll get some quality time in to read the latest Eclipse Phase supplement and plan some more of my Pathfinder campaign- and of course family time.

That's a good point. I had thought that, even though there was a monster on her tail, maybe she still didn't want to tell her friends that she did the deed with a bunch of random dudes on a boat. Greg was one thing, since they all knew him and they had sex once before in high school but telling your sister and her

I assume that she did, since it seemed suggested. Why show the guys in the boat or her swimming out to it in her skivvies unless that's what happened? The same with Paul and the prostitutes- I'm assuming he slept with one or both of them to create a buffer.

I would love to see a Japanese woodblock inspired game- though I suppose that's been done before already in Okami? (Never played it, so I'm not 100% sure about the aesthetics.)

Extremely jealous of everyone playing Bloodborne this weekend, but I'm more than happy to dig into Pillars of Eternity when I get home from work. I was very excited for Wasteland 2 when it came out, but found myself losing interest- from the look of things, Pillars seems to be a bit more robust so I feel confident

I'm really excited to get it started tonight. I love the idea that there is a metric for roleplaying, not just alignment, so you can have a reputation as being honest and just or as being completely cruel based on exactly what you've done and said. I'm looking forward to rolling up a paladin for that reason, since it

That's as far as I took it in Wasteland 2 as well. I don't know what it was, maybe the constant bleakness of the setting or the fact that I spent all of my time wringing a peaceful resolution out of the Rail Nomads. Maybe one day I'll finish it, but I am hoping Pillars will stick the landing a bit better.

I've been meaning to get into Sunless Sea, it looks amazing. I've just had a hard time getting used to the controls.

It has its supporters, I've heard people make the case that it's actually the best one. My roommate played it way more than I did, but he quit after (and I'm paraphrasing him) his favorite character failed to assassinate the main villain in a cutscene because the game was like, "Nope! You've still got another 40 hours

Final Fantasy lost me more or less permanently on 8. 4 (US 2?), 6 and 7 were all awesome, but I just completely lost interest after renting 8. 9 certainly had its charms and 12 looks decent, but I've never gotten more than a few hours into it. I think my time with JRPGs is more or less through and I'm pretty okay with

I'm really curious about Dungeon World, so I'd be interested to know how it works out for you and yours.

This weekend I will be finishing a drawing and then preparing for our weekly-ish Pathfinder campaign. With what little time I have I'm going to put into being crappy at Nuclear Throne (70 hours in the game! Still terrible!) and going through Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition.

BG was one of the first computer games I played over and over again, but I would say the second game is where it truly becomes amazing. The Icewind Dale enhanced edition is also great, you get to make your own whole party. But if your misgivings are more in line with the interface and gameplay of the Infinity engine

Borderlands 2 is a game I definitely enjoy, but not for long stretches. I always seem to get to where I believe is the halfway point and the loot treadmill fatigue sets in and I just need to take a break. Which is too bad, because I would really like to finish it at some point it's just that the quests get so samey

What I would LIKE to play this weekend is Dragon Age Inquisition, if only to get some degree of progress after not touching it for weeks. But I've got to get rolling on the last drawing on my to-do list for a Pathfinder fanzine and do a lot of prep for Sunday's Pathfinder tabletop game. This is the first campaign I've

I bought Darkest Dungeon on early access as soon as it came to steam. The game is quite frustrating, but I still find a lot to enjoy about it. I think with some tweaks it can be really great. Purely from an aesthetic standpoint, the very Mike Mignola-esque artwork is what drew me in as well as the gothic horror by way

Rogue Galaxy was pretty fun, as I recall. Between that and Dragon Quest 8 (?) there were some great JRPGs at the end of the PS2's lifespan.