
Lately, I've been doing a lot of Nuclear Throne and Neo-Scavenger on Steam. Fun in different ways, frustrating in similar ones. I've gotten as far as the Throne in NT, but ultimately failed to get past it. Only a matter of time before I get back there. I'm tinkering a lot with slight variations on a build in

If I have time this weekend, I'll be playing more Wasteland 2. I've restarted this game about four times now trying to get the ideal ranger team and I'll be damned if I'm not beating it on this set.

Yeah, pretty much.

I love Guy Davis, personally. If you want to see some truly freakish monsters, check out his own series The Marquis.

I haven't had too much time to get back into DA:I this week, but that should be remedied on the weekend. Lots of Risk of Rain, though- I've unlocked the Huntress character, which is supposedly one of the favorites with RoR diehards but I honestly feel like I do better with the Commando regardless. The piercing shot

I may play a bit more Dragon Age this weekend. I managed to unlock both the mage and templar missions, but haven't officially committed. I always sided with the mages in the previous game, but this time maybe I'll give theocratic fascism a shot. To sidestep the decision, I decided to head into the Fallow Mire and I

I love Spelunky; I wouldn't compare it to Don't Starve, personally, since it's a platformer with a degree of risk/reward level strategy involved. It has a great "one more run" aspect where you can just endlessly try over with little delay and a lot of the Isaac-esque item discovery (though with far fewer items, which

If I have time to sit down with a game this weekend, I'll play some more Dragon Age Inquisition. I bought the PS3 version and it looks pretty bad; environments are really lackluster and the hair in particular looks awful. Close-ups can look okay, provided there's no facial hair to get in the way. But I guess I can't

Wait, wait- he's an anti-vaccer and a climate change denier? I just went from "wanting to give him a chance" to "hating his guts" in the span of a sentence.

The thing to consider is that dying isn't really that much of a setback: especially in DS2 where bonfires (checkpoints) are spread out quite liberally. All you lose are your accumulated souls, and those are easy to recover if you can get back to where you were when you died. You don't lose items, you lose a tiny

I've played some Isaac, but I'm going to hold off on Rebirth. I liked the game well enough, but its enduring popularity is a little puzzling to me.

Deadly Premonition is the game that most managed to make me affectionate for its characters and world. Somehow.

All solid advice. I got to the prison and it was like banging my head against a brick wall, so I restarted with a better idea of how the game would shape up. I've enjoyed it, but I felt the need to put it aside for a while.

More Fallout: NV most likely for me. I started a new courier and tried out setting him up like what I think a courier in the game would need- good endurance, perception and agility coupled with tagged skills in guns, speech and survival. And then I went off the rails and decided to just gather all the skill books I

I've survived pretty long in Don't Starve, but it wasn't the most interesting experience because I hate trying to fight in that game. I just set up a walled encampment with farms, supplemented by a plentiful rabbit field, drying racks and nearby lumber and just stayed put for a looooong time.

Yeah, I can second that. There's a lot of good ideas in there, but having your stat pools also be your health is a problem. I found myself more than a little frustrated by the "weird for the sake of weird" angle as well, simply because having weird stuff happen just out of nowhere is fine for a session or two but if

I think Dark Sun is cool but I'm also a little bit worn out from all the grittiness in entertainment lately. Something with a slightly lighter tone like Planescape appeals to me a bit more at the moment.

Yeah, I don't know what they were thinking with that (of course, I don't have the books, so maybe they're spectacularly beautiful). If the Player's Handbook and Dungeon Master Guide were combined, like in Pathfinder's Core rulebook, I think it could be justified, but $50 per book (assuming you have a local game store

I still play semi-regularly but I'm always buying new books and systems to check out and read on my own. I love Call/Trail of Cthulhu and Eclipse Phase a whole lot but my players will probably want to play D&D/Pathfinder 9 times out of 10.

I remain extremely tempted to pick this up, but my group just started a new Pathfinder campaign after getting tired of Numenera. So maybe once the group dies horribly or I petrify everyone with a basilisk we'll give it a try when all the books are released. I'm glad that they picked up the bonds system from Dungeon