
Thanks to both of you for your responses. It sounds pretty promising, I'll keep an eye on it!

I'm very curious about Fifth Edition, but I'm hesitant to shell out money just yet since my players really want to go back to Pathfinder and it's the system we're most familiar with. So any further impressions you have about the new rules, I'd be interested to hear.

I'm playing on Hard on the mac version. I'm level 43 or 47- I can't raise the difficulty any more yet, I think I might need to put a few more levels on before it's unlocked.

I got to Act 5 in Diablo 3 last weekend, but I'm kind of in the mood to take a break from it now. There was something unsatisfying about just endlessly wailing on Diablo at the end of the base game as the Crusader (even on hard mode). I didn't even die against the guy whose name is on the box! I feel that maybe my

I thought that Act 3 was sort of anticlimactic and very truncated compared to
the 2nd act. And it makes sense, because Act 2 is
essentially two separate games that come together at the end, but I did
get the distinct impression that the developers were running out of time
and disk space. I also thought it was an odd

When I first got The Witcher 2, I was completely absorbed and just couldn't put it down. With the exception of the cool main character that HAS to wear a leather jacket, I thought the historicalish designs for the NPCs and locations looked awesome. But after I sat down to try replaying it again, the issues you've had

I did! I thought it was pretty good. You know, kind of Labyrinth-esque in some ways and I thought the designs were decent.

Most embarrassed by recently would be Dragon's Crown- I don't even know why I was into picking it up. I found the game itself kind of boring from what I played and I would be super embarrassed if my roommate came in while I was playing it with the boob wizard or butt warrior on screen.

Not exactly big budget or high-pedigree, but I thought Dagon did a lot of things right when I saw it a few years ago. And besides the HPL Historical Society's silent movies, that's probably the best we'll get until Del Toro gets a big pile of money from someone.

Yeah, I can't say I disagree. I get why people like it and I've enjoyed games that are all about crafting stuff (like Terraria or Don't Starve) but if it's a CRPG with a long story, sidequests, lots of stats, etc. the crafting system feels like an unnecessary distraction.

Yeah, I completely agree on the D3 expansion- it really fixed a lot of issues. I was pretty ambivalent to the core game, but after Reaper of Souls it came together much better.

I gave Divinity: Original Sin another shot this week and I've actually gotten into it this time. Once you have two party members (and you've built your main PCs to complement them through some form of online advice) the game is actually quite fun and challenging. I'm not bothering that much with crafting, though, just

I blitzed through it during Hurricane Irene after being absorbed by its odd charms. I can definitely see where you would get sick of the sub-RE4 combat, though. Especially the recycled boss battles with the invisible girl. But it's worth finishing- a game that's definitely more than the sum of its parts IMHO.

(Obligatory "if you want Twin Peaks: The Game just try Deadly Premonition" post.)

Precious Roy's Pirate Cripplers?

My update strategy is to never update until a piece of software outright demands that I update it. So far so good.

I bought Divinity: Original Sin during the weekend where I was mad with power over a new computer, but I can't say it really grabbed me. I'm sure it's great and wonderful for people that have put a ton of time into it, but I wasn't really pulled in that much. Maybe it's just overwhelming anxiety that I built my

You save between chapters- you just can't save in the middle of one to reload if it goes south.

Just got myself a nice used desktop to replace the laptop as my primary computer, so I'll be going through all the games I've downloaded that used to run super slow (Shadowrun Returns, Diablo 3, Just About Anything With 3D Graphics) and go mad with new found power! Also hoping to put some time into Sunless Sea, since

Definitely considering getting this one to hold me over until Wasteland 2 is finished.