
Yeah, I love Demon's Souls atmosphere even if I think that Dark Souls added a lot of good tweaks (poise being a significant one). The world tendency system I'm really happy to see ditched; basically the levels get harder the more you die in body form or kill other human characters- but you also get more and better

And former president Ike Eisenhower says, "Let's Get BIZZZAY!!"

Yeah, I liked Sturm a lot. Once it's revealed later in the series that he isn't actually a knight, but is just wearing his dad's old armor and aspires to be a knight, he becomes a lot more sympathetic and interesting.

I'm a little surprised to read this, since the trailer I had seen previously makes it look completely and utterly generic. Brown haired hero witnesses the death of hot wife and son? Check. Mission of vengeance? Check. One guy running into a mass of enemies? Check. Bullet time? Slow motion check.

I like the Knight a lot, even though I would really like to be able to use a heal miracle once in a while without investing 12 levels in being able to do it. Finally finding a 100% physical block shield was a godsend, even though it's super heavy and requires ungodly strength.

"This is what happens, Larry! This is what happens when YOU MEET A STRANGER IN THE ALPS!'

Still working on even getting to Hell in Spelunky. The thing that I've noticed the most recently is how, in some ways, your own strategies and instincts built up over previous levels can often be your downfall in later levels. Even when I have a surplus of bombs, I still have "too good to use syndrome" and end up

Waiting for next month with baited breath. Dark Souls 2 and the Diablo 3 expansion can't get here soon enough. In the meantime, I'm trying to polish off Demon's Souls, Spelunky or any of the dozen or so other games I have yet to finish, like Legend of Grimrock.

Yeah, I consider it pretty important to be stacked with bombs and gear by the time you get to the temple. I've beaten Olmec once, so now I'm trying to get to the secret ending and tackling the hidden levels. I've beaten the worm and I've gotten to the city of gold a few times. The mothership is freaking impossible,

What I want to know is this: why can't this government redefine what it means to go on a hunger strike?! I mean, who's to say?!

Me too. I spent the whole summer and fall prior to that Christmas reading all about Final Fantasy 7- even reading the game guide before I ever got the game and the system. Christmas finally came and my parents had blessed me with a Playstation and FF7… but my tv didn't have the cable ports, so it would need an