Astroglide and Regret.
Astroglide and Regret.
The last Final Fantasy game I played was 7 when I was little and I never finished it. This looks cute, and fun.
But I hate turn based combat outside of Pokemon.
Is it for me?
As an owner of an S class, with SEVERAL air ride issues, AND electrical/wiring problems I AGREE. This behemoth gas guzzler of a car has cost me way more than it has been worth.
My boyfriend is mostly a herp derp, so first game I make him play? DARK SOULS 3.
He enjoyed the struggle, and it motivated him to play through it and beat it.
He has 100+ hours clocked in as Mercy on Overwatch.
Now to just get him suckered into World of Warcraft hue hue hue.
IDK. I hate the Kardashians. Like HATE. But this was a terrible thing to happen to Kim, or for ANYONE. Terrible, mortified. So scary.
My mom was held at ransom at her job about two years ago, and we were terribly affected by that.
BUT- if they faked this, then fuck them. Fuck them fuck them fuck theeeeeem. I wouldn’t be…
Those pants are so low, is his penis holding them up in conjunction with the belt? Like, whoa.
“Does she eat much?”
Has she even *seen* the fashion industry? Any credibility she had went out the window.
Gurl bye.
When will Gizmodo begin reviewing the new models? Did anyone jump on the kickstarter for the Pebble 2? I’m curious about them!
When will Gizmodo begin reviewing the new models? Did anyone jump on the kickstarter for the Pebble 2? I’m curious…
All I missed was the wonderful opening theme sequence I’ve grown fond of over the years. Maybe next episode we’ll get it!
When will they let us edit our home screen? WHEN?
I thought Ryan Seacrest was gay?
I sold my Gold Majora’s Mask New XL to get the Galaxy one.
Zero regrets, I love it. So pretty. That black pokemon version is hideous though. I never understood why people would want a 3DS with legendaries they have zero connection to. I totally get the Charizard/Blastoise/Pikachu/Eevee editions, but the Yveltal,…
I’m running iOS 10, but I can’t use effects on my message bubbles, but I can do everything else. HALP WHYYYY
Is there gay stuff too?
Hi Heather! Welcome ! ^_^
Can Univision clean house in Gizmodo too?