
I fainted. SO excited. DEAD.

That video trailer looked like a love story, aww to be young and in love again <3

Okay, to play devils advocate, or just to have some fun dialogue:

If someone can be transgender, what’s stopping them from being “trans-race”? If she identifies herself as a black woman, who am I to say no, you can’t do that. Is someone who is transgender appropriating a gender? What difference is there with

TBH it reminds me more of iJustine, than LiLo.


Definitely, and I LOVE the fast queue times, don’t get me wrong. But after all these months of playing, I still get thrown off by the instaqueue and requeueing between matches.

Am I the only one who gets SO GOSH DARN ANNOYED while playing Quick Play on Overwatch? I love the quick queues, but once you start, good luck doing nearly ANYTHING in between matches without getting lolbooted for inactivity within 3 seconds of taking your gaze away from the Screen. Can’t send texts, can’t take a quick

No mention of the Galaxy 3DS???? REALLY?

Darn. :(

Darn. :(

Will this run World of Warcraft ?

Will this run World of Warcraft ?

All I want is a basic laptop that can run a word processor, light facebooking, and World of Warcraft on Normal to Fair settings. Thats all, please, HALP.


Many hamster breeds must be kept in solitary confinement or they will fight each other to the death. Also, mother hamsters are known to kill their babies.
Plus they can be notoriously nippy.
I find hamster to be like goldfishes. Pretty to look at, to keep in a tank, but mostly a hands off pet.

This, this, THIS. So many people are offput by the idea of pet rat ownership. But I have had a few rats, and by far they have been awesome! I had a hairless rat, and blue dumbo rat, and let me tell you, that thing could chill. It would go to the movies with me (hidden in my hoodie) and would eat whoppers and cheetos

Cute facade aside, they are aggressive and will eat each other and their babies in a hot second!

Hamsters are so cute. BUT SO DAMN EVIL.
I never understood why they are such popular pets.
Unlike hamsters, RATS are perfect. Like little mini dogs.


Can you buy them used? (the memory cards)

I really want a Vita. BUT I’m not sure if it’s even worth investing in this late in its life cycle. Heck, it doesn’t even seem like Sony wants to invest in it. Double Heck, Gamestop doesn’t even list it in its general console links on their website, it’s deeply burrowed in its menus.
TRIPLE HECK, I really wanted one of

My office still uses fax a lot. I always have wonderful flashbacks whenever I hear the dial tone and fantasize about the AOL days.