This never happens. There is only one Harambe.
This never happens. There is only one Harambe.
Many players turn into huge jerks when it means their gameplay and score is being affected by others on the team.
No, quickplay is for folks who don’t want to play competitive.
Maybe you go there to troll, but some folks stay there because they don’t want the stress of playing for competitive points.
OMGOODNESS. This happened once. They’d take turns shielding each other while the others would attack from safety. SO TROLLY.
Also, can anyone explain WHY you can’t stack chars in Competitive, but you can in quick play? Just doesn’t seem logical.
Okay, I agree. 6 D. Va’s are terrible. The constant barrage of Ults are TERRIBLE. But really 6 of most anything are terrible.
Have you ever been up against a team of 6 junkrats? All. Dem. Traps.
Or a team of 6 Zaryas? DAYED.
Or a team of Genjis? Double DAYED.
Any team of tanks though, is definitely trolly.
That gymnast is definitely a santero, or more likely a practitioner of candomble!
Yes, naked. Please.
Who is in that picture? Or is it stock?
WOW! And I just bought this! DAMNNNNN
WOW! And I just bought this! DAMNNNNN
Lindsay and her boo look like a classic trashy jersey couple on the beach.
Moving along.
Dear Rich,
What do you drink from? How do you keep track of what/how much you drink? You mentioned one gallon of tea per day, but how much water?
A concerned, gay, soon to be 29 year old.
Exactly, he’s a great dude. He makes video reviews of Taco Bell snacks and stuff. Everyone needs to pipe the fuck down LOL
I don’t really watch the news, but can someone break down the news channels? Like FOX = ? CNN = ? MSNBC = ?
Who watches what, voter wise?
I know right? Seriously, he’s the best.
Leave my bro Fahey alone! He’s obviously still hopped up on those Key Lime Slime Twinkie things that he consumed for SCIENCE. Honest mistake about the dumb HDD or SSD or whatever.
I love Batman. *BUT*
I’m tired of the same stories. The same exact stories. Over. And Over. And Over.
This goes for Batman, Spiderman, Superman, and most of the super heroes.
DC/Marvel, you have a HUGE catalog of lore to draw from, why must we relive the same ones over and over and over. WHY?
1589 CP seems a little on the low side for a legendary, no?
If Lord Saltheril isn’t present, then it’s not a real party.
Throws self on floor frothing at the mouth