I see cool project. I don’t shit talk author. I like.
I see cool project. I don’t shit talk author. I like.
Crash safety. Wheels are designed to not deform from impact and in a case of an accident, a full sized wheel being pushed into the back of the passengers can be an issue.
Korean here, we drive on the right side of the road. All the RHD cars are specially made for foreign markets.
I spent about a month in Germany to visit my wife who was on a research trip there for about 3 months. She recently went back to take advantage of the 9 euro pass (wasn’t the sole purpose but i was certainly a motivation). Yes the trains in Germany go to places that you want to go (for reference, we stayed in a town…
I thought it was common knowledge by know that water is the suppressant to use for Li-ion fires mostly for thermal management. Lot and lots of water for long period of time.
Water is the absolutely the thing you should be using for EV fire. It helps cool down the batteries which delays further ignition of cells. In fact, Fancy Kristen wrote an article about this. Learn from Fancy Kristen.
No. Just Google Hyundai + Cylinder wall scuffing. This is a well known and documented problem. Not caused by detonation. In fact the piston looks new and it can be reused.
I also had a Hyundai 2.0Nu that I bought with oil consumption problem that eventually led to insane amount of piston slap (sounds worse than rod knock).
I replaced the short block, hoping to get another 200k km out of it. I bought the car for cheap but had I been the first owner of this car, I would be very angry. The…
If you don’t mind losing some ground clearance. I highly recommend a Mazda 5 for this purpose. I lived in a shared house with two room mates in my 20s. All three of us rode mountain bikes and had Mazda 5s with 5MTs because it was dirt cheap (I think we paid 8k CDN for all three of them combined), relatively easy to…
The real problem with the TTC is the lack of real time tracking for their trains. No meaningful way to time their dispatches at rush hour and less frequent train arrival time means people holding doors and creating traffic jams. Vancouver’s automated system does not suffer from any of this.
As a former Torontonian, hell no. Dilapidated and lack of real time tracking causing traffic jams on the subway. WTF.
Seoul is so much better than Tokyo. Similar density but owned and operated by centralized authority. No need to get out of the station walk over to the other line, walk back down, get on another train. Also arranged with some foresight in mind.
The 3rd gen Rondo only shares its name plate with its previous generations. These are more Ford C-max competitors now. But my point is these Kias tend to struggle to hit their advertised mpgs. This led to a class action lawsuit. So the Forte may not be a fair mpg comparison in this one. But I see your point about the…
Edit: Well I’ll be damned. It turns out that the Forte is slightly longer than the Rondo despite the Rondo being 2" longer in wheelbase and having much much bigger rear legroom in the 5 seater configuration. I regret the error.
I drive the forte’s bigger cousin (Rondo, Europe and Canada only) with 6MT and I can only dream about that kind of fuel efficiency. To be fair my car is nearly 7inches taller than the Forte and much longer (comes as a 7 sealer as well) and heavier but driven by the same 2.0 GDI Nu.
That’s a Parktool PCS9. It’s THE home mechanic bike stand.
Technically it’s LIN based subsystem (Commonly referred to as ‘modules’) that is being monitored by CAN system but yes. This is the correct answer.
Newer vehicles are now replacing simple communications with LIN interface. Take your driver side window switch cluster as an example, older vehicle had signal wires for each individual windows + window lock and any additional features (maybe it has window adjuster built into this control module which means 5 more…