
Frank Miller was overrated in his hayday, and even that was a long time ago

Sin City was a stylish propulsive, action packed, hyper masculine power fantasy and a metric ton of fun.

I loved the first movie. The sequel is awful. The best segments wish they could be as good as The Big Fat Kill

The most satisfying kills are with remote/proximity mines. YOU'VE FALLEN INTO MY TRAP

From Russia With Love, actually made you feel like you were in a Bond movie.

I can't remember all the modes and specifics of Halo, Call of Duty or Gears of War without a refresher.

When Goldeneye came out there was nothing else like it on consoles. Perfect Dark is kind of that formula perfected for 90s technology. And by 2001 we had HALO already.

The only Nintendo game I managed to turn into a drinking game was Wario Ware Smooth moves, which I suspect was designed with "you take a shot every time you fail" in mind. It just had to be.

I wouldn't say there is a specific indication. But the betrayal felt more inline with book Shae than show Shae.


The Eyrie is to The Vale as Winterfell is to The North

He HAD to have always known that. You can't possibly so bad of a parent that you don't notice your 40 something children have been banging their whole lives. Seriously NO ONE is that bad of a parent

In the books Shae appears sincere in her affection for Tyrion, but she doesn't become as nagging or possessive as the show version.

Maybe she was like … acting. Elizabeth and Philip do this to everyone on The Americans

That's because the term carries a connotation that degrades all women, even if you only intend it to insult a specific one. If people called her an asshole or what she did to Tyrion, then well, there you have it

Damn it! Bran was the Yellow King all along!

Not that Brianne was that smart. I'd say The Vale is still an option. If they'd talked a little longer Arya may have learned that Sansa was probably living there.

Someone needs to pass a law that states that "previously ons" are only allowed to summarize the previous episode and nothing more.

My bad then

The final scene still had me worried on the Felicity/Oliver front. The show obviously has to throw more love interests Oliver's way before he's inevitably with Laurel