
This news actually spells LESS superhero movies as Sony's Spider-Man Universe just died

There was actual textual support for at least Felicity's crush on Oliver before fan influence was in the picture. I rolled my eyes at the suggestions at the end of Season 2. But I can't pretend I didn't watch Moira use Felicity's feelings for Oliver to mess with her or that she wasn't visibly jealous of Sara or put

I literally don't remember. I believe Ghost Protocol was the one where Tom Cruise's team goes rogue … to do SOMETHING in Dubai … that's it

I actually saw an Episode 3 concept art book that had that exact concept in there

It doesn't seem impossible to me that you could re-brand the basic character and make a good movie that made lots of money.

I would say the ONE valid counter balance is in the genre of YA novel movies we've got Hunger Games, Twilight, Divergent and so on making tons of money with women in lead roles

Osgood and Zygon Osgood probably would have had an in depth season long romance, and the Master would have killed her right when they finally came to terms with how they felt about each other

Nick Frost as Santa is just what I need in my life right now

The title is fine. The movie sucked

Only an idiot would believe him in the actual context of being a fellow SHIELD agent. Once he killed Victoria Hand and dumped Fitz/Simmons he objectively couldn't be trusted.

It isn't relaxation Korra needs. her desire to get back in the action needs to overcome her anxiety about it

The furthest she would go would be attacking Republic/former EK territory … but that would of course piss off the entire world

We didn't even know what the bad guys actually wanted until the final episode

Oh I certainly don't think that. I like Felicity too … just not Olicity (obviously there are guys who like Olicity)

The first seasons are good! And we warned you about the rest

That is really depressing. I thought my love life was sad

They'll remind you that it is connected to AVENGERS a 100 millions times until it makes a 100 million + dollars

Are we suggesting Alba has lost it even a little? I watched this movies back to back. And Alba is still one of the most beautiful women currently living. They got Eva Green naked in this thing, but Alba on that stage was still where it was at for me

I'm not Guardians of the Galaxy is a comic book movie and still basically a loose sequel to Avengers and EVERYONE knew that.

I rewatched it before seeing the sequel too. It was still enjoyable, but I'm not a teenage boy anymore, and I can see now that it was really a teenage boy's kid of movie.