
Basically all EU material has Vader actively looking for rogue Jedi during the space between E3 and E4. I can believe he just never caught up to Kenobi or bothered searching his home planet

I remember in Secret Diary of a Call Girl Belle's motivations were pretty simple. She liked sex and money

That's what I'm assuming. Although the logistics of that are weird because if you do much more than feel them up a little they will wake up

As soon as the last movie is on DVD it'll take a week for someone to do a 2 hour cut, like how Topher Grace cut the Star Wars prequels down to one 90 minute movie

The Hobbit 2: Electric Simarillion

The Hobbit: I'm a nerd who actually read the book and knows the answer: Eagles never fly close to where men live, so they wouldn't take them that close to Lake Town

A version of Spider-Man that really was more in tune with Ultimate Spider-Man (pre-Miles Morales obviously) would be fine.

Sentinels are just one aspect of the internal logic that anyone with superpowers is a perceived threat to society at large such that these people have to hide and fight for their right to exist with massive persecution in the main stream OH LOOK THOR IS FIGHTING SOME DUDE OUTSIDE THOR IS AWESOME PEOPLE LIKE THOR GO

Yeah, I love Philip. But Clark is such a fucking asshole. I can't believe what he did to Philip's wife

That was the edited tape. In the original version people talk about him Martha is attractive or not, and Gaad mentions he'd been told to hire an ugly old lady, and they go on to guess how many drinks it would take for Gaad to bang the ugly old lady.

Maybe some Russian STDs down the line

Her initial attack plan wasn't great either. She needed to be ready to fire a second shot RIGHT AWAY. That or a secondary weapon (you know in case she has to go toe-to-toe with a man who his physically stronger) and pure surprise would have been enough.

At this point, I'd say Martha is probably smarter than Stan Beeman. Fuck Stan

I'm guessing this will still be about an accidental pregnancy, even if said protagonist isn't too young for it.

I get the feeling they were scared off the internet guessing the twist. But they could have done an episode that felt like "HEY REMEMBER CAPTAIN AMERICA" early that could have been made to feel disconnected enough from Centipede and the Clairyovant that people wouldn't connect them.

It's also likely there will be a time skip, or they'll just ignore the change

I haven't seen every episode this year. But how would the Terminus people know there was a connection between Glenn's group and Rick's

It isn't too much of a stretch for someone to not fully explain the kidnapping unless there were rescue plans. Darryl's probably figured she's dead, so the specifics of her fate don't matter.

There is a trope that women are smarter than men?

For some reason, a lot of people hate it when shows like House of Cards will pull in real world talking heads