
In Spectacular Now Sutter starts off dating Aimee as a sick prank, he asks her to the prom only because he was blackout drunk. But later he decides he likes her, so he just keeps dating her. His initial intent is never delved into again beyond side characters questioning the relationship, and one attempt by Aimee to

Pretty much all fiction is guilty of that, as it is such an easy transition to the next thing that must happen for the plot to move forward

Agreed. Drive Shaft isn't a plausible band name in a world where we listen to Beast Coast, Stone Temple Pilots, The Spoons, White Denim ect ect ect

Who knows, maybe Danny Pink is actually a male regeneration of the Rani

That would be very "a very special episode" for this show

If they were cast a black Doctor. I'm 100% sure they'd only passingly acknowledge it with little throw away jokes. But it wouldn't otherwise meaningfully affect anything.

That's basically why I figured he was made a democrat. However Scandal has an even more nonsensical Republican president (who is basically a Democrat anyway). Oh whatever

The Wire is a better show. But that isn't really a fair comparison. A better comparison would Breaking Bad. And yeah, that show does show you more of how Walt's choices affect others.

But in the short term, they have to go down because the series would stop if Frank was in jail now

I think her friends etc are being saved for the ultimate take down of Frank, since they aren't all dead.

The journalism plot could still take Frank down. With Stamper dead, Ayla or Jimmi Simpson etc etc could put the pieces together. Zoe's boyfriend and Rachel are still around to question.

Much like Breaking Bad, Frank is rising to the top so he can later have a downfall arc.

Same here, he hadn't moved an inch in hours. He's has to be dead

I think they do have sex, and do seem to care about each other. They just don't do it all the time, and Frank is bisexual and needs to bone a dude every now and again

Frank becomes President in the second season because House of Cards isn't going to be on for six years

Ted is an idiot who fucked up his second shot and final shot with Victoria

That dude stole a bunch of synthetic souls. He would be making a bunch for Gina Caranos And I would not object to that

hmmmmmmmmmmmmm Gina Carano … oh wait are we talking about a television show?

It is very believable that there is a running email chain about Ted's ex-girlfriends (if there was a drinking game with Barney's this is only fair).

But he invented the Naked Man, and we see that it really does work 2 out of three times