
I actually think the kid who plays Neville Longbottom would make a good Doctor

Victoria would be impossible. She was in Europe during the St. Patrick's Day party and would not be in the economics class.

I didn't even read that much into it. She was not in love with his guy and didn't see a future even before this point. Asking her to marry him was the breaking point.

They DID do there with Watson and Mycroft hilariously enough

Doctor Who isn't "cheap" it simply does a lot of crazy shit with a non-Michael Bay budget

This exactly. There is no alternate universe where Doctor Who wasn't canceled in the 80s (even James Bond faltered in this period, yet it remains a cultural institution).

I don't think there has been a regeneration scene in the revived series that I'd put in the "don't like" box at all. But the thing is the 9th Doctor was only around for a single year, and the change resulted in way less of a pendulum shift than with 10 and 11.


Tatiana Maslany could have played Clara and via the conceit she has split personalities or something she'd be my favorite character in the whole damn franchise

Smith isn't pulling a 9th Doctor here. He was the Doctor for over 3 years, which is about the average time people hold to role.

Essentially, every Davies season took a similar logical leap in the finale. Only the the problem would (Bad Wolf vs the Crack in Time) would be something that had existed less explicitly before that episode.

She's a much younger 50 than Alex Kingston … no offense though

It didn't really feel like there was a big gap between anything in the 10th Doctor era. It really felt like he went on a dozen or so adventures with Martha and Donna before they were done.

I fucking love that song. But has to go away now that Smith has too.

This is being pedantic. It is highly likely she would have seen that message, but it is absolutely not a plot hole that she didn't.

Name of the Doctor was 100% a two part episode crammed into 40 minutes.

The Power of Three was a lot of fun. But so was everything back then. I positively had a stronger reaction to Rory's flash "death" than 11's

They aren't likely to forget that. But I never saw the concept as explicitly romantic. More like a child to a parent or sibling.

"Bossy control freak?" is Steven Moffat in opposite land? All right so far Clara has been a(n)

I had some put-upon Martha flash back though. But a least Clara hasn't had Amy's existence tossed in her face the entire time she's been on the show.