
Actually it is complete reasonable that Clara has never seen the moon landing.

Timey-Wimey Wibbly Wabbly! Paradoxical time travel is possible. (How did Rory die twice in the same night?) It but it does have consequences.

To be fair, "Last Night" does not make that it explicit. And it takes place in the POV of the Doctor circa Season 6. So even then it utterly doesn't count as the character catching up to the version of himself that gave River the future screwdriver.

Episodes like this can still be enjoyable as long as you have the capacity to not be pedantic about the fact that the lead character of a long running family friendly television show is never going to get an explicit permanent and violent death

Well have holographic message boards then … if I even live that long

I can't wait to watch the special from my retirement home!

"Oh yeah we had to teleport the aging Trenzolore Doctor to help 12 and 13 fight the Daleks but we got to send him back to Christmas town and erase his memories to maintain the timestream

As I said to my friends as we watched it, 11 had previously blown up a freaking Dalek battleship, doing the traditional yellow energy release scene (to that extent) would have been redundant.

I was let down by the actual regeneration itself, but it was a solid B episode at least. I was a bit let down by the minimal use of Capaldi in the actual regeneration scene. I'm sure he'll get some badass 11th Hour style intro next year. But I was looking forward to the funny "Doctor reacts to his new look" moment.

Life is too short for me to have opinions about things that doesn't exist yet. Now that I've seen the episode, I've got less stuff to base an opinion on Capaldi on than I ever imagined going in.

Eccleston and John Hurt were anti-hero as it gets

In all seriousness, if there is a scene where Clara is "confused" by the Smith/Capaldi switch and has to have the concept explained to her I will seriously buy a TARDIS, fly to BBC HQ and punch Steven Moffat in the face.

Continuity on POI isn't that harsh. I wouldn't exactly tell you to start now. But you could skip the vast majority of the first season.

In all seriousness, I'm expecting an edgier version of the 8th/9th Doctors who were less eccentric, but you know … still crazed alien adventure dudes. (This is still a character who must appeal to young children and families)

Huh? I don't exactly want to see any Doctor/Jack fiction becoming a reality, but I'm neutral to that idea.

Hey, Clara was awesome in Snowmen! She's boring as shit most of the time, but she was awesome in last years XMAS special.

In all likely hood, Orphan Black will be over in 2 to 3 years. Maslany will be free around 2017, but she could be too in demand

Moffat seems to be reminding us every chance he gets that it is within the rules of the show for time lords to change gender (ethnic background is also explicitly not out of the question) the only justification I can drum up for why the Doctor should be a woman is that it would stir up controversy and the actress

Maslany could also be the 14th or 15th Doctor or some wedged in "in-between" Doctor like John Hurt or a companion (of the Jack Harkness variety rather than Rose Tyler).

I don't have one of these families. I will have to sneak off and watch it later tonight