
It wasn't a bad episode. But it was like if Big Bang/Pandorica Opens tried to condense itself to one episode. Not remove everything, but do it all in 40 minutes

Tennant was locked into the 10th Doctor from the start because he did Casanova with Davies.

Name of the Doctor, would have been great as a two-parter. But there were way too many balls in the air for 40 minutes. River Song, The Impossible Girl, Whisper Men, G.I and the Doctor's inevitable death and greatest secret.

Based on the one episode we got, the American Doctor Who would have been terrible.

Pregnant women woddle. I've never been one. But I've seen them. They woddle

It's a whole secret society of vampire Frankenstine Gitmo

In my head cannon Elena compels all her professors for good grades, while Caroline is just awesome enough to pull it off. And probably doesn't need to sleep.

Yeah BITCH! Vampires!

I also read it as just being the Doctor's mother and just accepting the ambiguity. There are a lot of people who HATE ambiguity.

You're making it too complicated. There are 13 Doctors, but the War Doctor was an oddity between 8 and 9 than doesn't get a number.

I'm wasn't saying it would be impossible to enjoy, but this isn't a standard episode that maybe throws in an archaic reference out there for the fans. It is dense with in jokes.

I was expecting this to be A Christmas Carol with alien space wizards either. It was a damn good story for more than just the nostalgia trip.

There is clear deep seeded sexism in depicting women as heads of anti alien black ops units and Victorian detective samurais

The Moment is the reason the Time Lock preventing travel to Gallifrey exists, and it allowed 10/11 to travel back just that one time.

It is not illegal for there to be a mystery surrounding a character, or for a character to anchor the story as a quasi objective.

Amy was the commitment phobic half of the couple who had to tapper her footloose ways and accept adult responsibility

That bugs me too. JLC has what it takes act against Smith and Tennant. But the writing staff has failed the character.

They do fucking make that work more than it has any right to. It'd be better if they got ER era Alex Kingston instead. But alas …

That too. The Doctor had no idea how she was able to still communicate with him and Clara, and River used their shorthand for "I can tell you about our future."

I saw her on a talk show where she was talking about the casting of the 12th Doctor and it certainly sounded like she was talking about the show as if she were still in.