
Super hero comics are the link I make. Superman has to run forever. So does Doctor Who

There is no way Tom Baker wouldn't have created a metric ton of internet memes … if he were the Doctor during the internet age

Let's read more into that split second of Capaldi's eyes

At least the show is being honest about it's sillyness instead of wasting our time trying to justify every little thing.

This show was built on bullshit psuedo science long before, the writers got upfront about it with that line.

Firefly/Serentiy is the alpha example of building a script to work for fans that also works for people who aren't familiar with the material

You should be able to understand that this is about an guy trying to decide if he can live with the regret of doing a terrible thing.

The Moment specifically sent him into his future so he'd witness his regret and wouldn't blow up Gallifrey.

He didn't rewrite history. Gallifrey was always frozen instead of destoryed. He just didn't remember what really happened.

It's exactly like Impossible Astronaunt.

Tom Baker was the 12th/13th Doctor using a perception filter

It was probably just the 12th or 13th Doctor using a perception filter

It's his grunge phase, he gets over it!

Moreso, this episode is about the War Doctor's choice. There was no sense in more distractions from that. And the thing you REALLY anticipate is 10 and 11 onscreen together.

9 isn't my Doctor, but not showing up to do that one scene was stingy. I would have settled for ONE fantastic

I assumed the same. Who says he didn't spends years on his own while Rose stat in London? It is a time machine.

The Moment is a sentient machine. It is just as much of a character as the Tardis was back when it came in the form of a Helena Bartham Carter knock off.

The Moment isn't even a woman, it is an AI using a female Avatar. If that AI being depicted as compassionate is sexist, if that is the extreme we are going for. Then I get the feeling that those same people would complain that a cold or wrathful personality would also be sexist. And if the AI came in the from or Rory,

The show is called Doctor Who. This is not a Game of Thrones epic full of independent arcs. Everyone exists to be a counterpoint to the Doctor. That is the structure of the show. And it would be the same even if the lead were female.

No. You really are missing the point. This episode was about the Doctor's descion to destory Gallifrey, and that male or female (where there any major male figures other than the Doctors) everyone would else was going to be secondary to that.