
As someone who complains about sexism in the media all the time, arguing that this episode was sexist works against the cause.

I hope so too. Because it would be really cool if they utilized this awesome potential thing they have …but they won't

Really? Even in Season 5 and 6, while it isn't a constant thing you are reminded of the Doctor doesn't keep the Ponds in the Tardis all the time and their upcoming wedding is a major factor in how they are introduced.

This is a change I think does the show a lot of good. Like seriously, who the fuck would opt to abandon their life to stay in the Tardis until they died? Because that is what would happen? You'd die and it would be in the blink of an eye to the Doctor and everyone you were met.

There is just no way, they could get away with not resolving the Quantum story. They don't have to do it instantly. But they have to do it before Daniel Craig is recast.

They didn't call Capaldi the 13th Doctor, they just noted that there were 13 Tardises over the planet.

The long standing numbering is not going to change because of the handwavy alternate Doctor they stuck in this episode to stand in for 9

The show has yet to deal with that in detail. But after the montoge of alternate lives, Clara reports to the Doctor upfront that she witnesses all versions of the Doctor except John Hurt.

Clara has memories of living on Gallifrey, and metric ton of other crazy adventures, across multiple versions of herself.

I can't say I feel the same way. I'm not knocking Clara. But a random unit redshirt could have done everything she did for the episode.

This was nowhere near as fun as Big Bang/Pandorica opens. But it was really fun, and the absurdity of it is justified by being fun. I can't say it stands tall as one of the all time great episodes though.

The audio kind of made a joke about this. It certainly stands to reason that like Susan, you'd poke a little fun at people who burned though regenerations faster than you.

That is my position exactly. If this were Avatar:The Last Airbender doing this I'd be angry.

The very idea of the Doctor not calling himself the Doctor is a concept that was just recently feed to us before this episode.

Says the show, and its clear approach to continuity.

I could easily see the 8th season where there is some mcguffin Capaldi thinks can bring back the Time Lords, but the search for it will be a B plot in a couple epsidoes until the very end.

Doctor Who is Indiana Jones, not Star Wars.

I would be really upset by thise potential "bring back Gallifrey" arc on any other show. But Doctor Who has to be on forever. So I kind of treat it like a superhero comic

I'm 100% certain this storyline was conceived with the 9th Doctor in mind. It would have made more sense, for the story this episode tells and for the nostalgia centers of the brain the special is meant to attack.

Not only was he still willing to do it. The Time Lord's have no been saved. He really just pulled a Victor Freeze.