
I also saw the final shot as symbolic. All 13 Doctor's showing up to in that final battle makes no sense on any level other than to work up some more nostalgia, which is why it gets a pass.

I kind of took it as

I completely understand that. But in taking the episode in as an hour of television and not a "celebration" it is more interesting and logical to have the future Doctor be played by the actual future Doctor.

It is pretty easy to imagine the exact plot of this episode happening with Eccelston instead of Hurt. But Hurt was great, as the weary classic Doctor stand in so I don't mind.

- I think the episode was geat

Actually, I think Capaldi showing up again would have been a cooler idea than Baker. But I'm guessing the logic was "any excuse we can muster to stick in living classic Doctors"

I'd say season 6-8 where good. Just not consistently good. The early Leviathon episodes where the last real surge of creativity

Supernatural essentially ended anyway a few moments before the end of season 5. It doesn't matter what happens now.

Klaus is a terrible character. The only good The Originals did was get him out of Mystic Falls so he could stop dragging down Vampire Diaries.

I have no idea what the series could gain from brining Alice back, other than a "happy" ending that would be the antitheisis of everything that has happened since she died.

While I haven't actually listned to more than what I could find on youtube. The 8th Doctor audios bring Susan back. And they make a point of out the fact that from her POV, the Doctor has wasted a metric ton of regenerations, while she's still in her first body.

But if you reverse and I reverse it then … oh well

The Physical Kids especially are painfully similar to people I knew around that age. This book is exactly what would happen if you gave a bunch of nerdy 20-year-olds magic powers

I like Alice.

What did Julia even do? She's barely in first book. And in the second she's what …. depressed

Actually the mythology of the book does explain that their is regulation that will fuck up people who abuse magic, and also magic in the Magicians universe is REALLY REALLY REALLY difficult and rare.

I think it is pretty damn clear he's exercising that "I can hold two ideas in my head at once" thing.

Ditto, those were exhausting, he did about 3 a season

In principal there was nothing wrong with that, if it had previously been established that she was some kind of bad ass.

JLC is up there, but I can't Gillian and Agyeman …. just … grrrrr …. unclean thoughts.