
The show is shot in HD now, and they clearly have a few people on staff you can use Adobe After Effects

It really stood out in the Neil Gaiman episode.

The entire existence of this show is fan service. These conversations make my head hurt

Maybe I'd be with you if that farewell arc lasted the whole year. But it all worked for me dramatically, and I wasn't at some kind of breaking point where I could look at any of these characters again.

I do like that under Moffat the box actually travels in time versus historical recreations. Although I've found that is something others specifically don't like.

Not if this the season 2 era 10th Doctor, as Rose would indicate.

It is mostly the case in cube invasion episode. But I'd say the others were also effective in establishing how different this were now than Amy and Rory had grown up versus the old days, and how no one was completely happy with that.

People love 10 and 11 because they were actually on screen long enough to matter. I kind of forget that there was an Eccleston era of Doctor Who as pretty soon after I started watching the show, he was gone for good.

That is the risk we all take with long running TV shows that will inevitably get a "full series" release when the show is over

It is more complicated than that. If the only visible adults with your background are thriving in certain fields, or their is the perception that you can only thrive in certain fields. It becomes more difficult to jump on those alternate paths, and you can feel more alien for falling out of those stereotypical grooves.

If Japan had a 13% Turkish population it would be weird if they never showed up in the media.

The Dreamcast was officially discontinued in 2001. So it has been 12 years.

I'm surprised there are people here who HAVEN'T seen everything (that are also living in America). But that is probably because the internet is how I watch TV in general.

I know one person in the real world who has a problem with Breaking Bad, but if pressed, he will say positive things about later episodes of Dexter so there you have it

Reality is a dream Jack Bauer has where he is this actor called Kiefer Sutherland

No Willow created the American Pie universe with magic. Get it straight man.

I thought Fringe was a nigthmare Denethor had on Lord of the Rings

Better yet, "Firebending comes from the breath" frozen and essentially underwater Azula could do jack shit

Before we knew Unalaq's goals the specifics of the Civil War were very different.