
Lost is just a dream in the "Party of Five" universe. Just like adult Doggie Howser dreampt up "How I met your Mother."

This entire arc never happened in the comics. (Comic spoilers) In the comics Michonne gets some really brutal revenge on the Governor, who is later killed by his own people during a siege of the prison that drives everyone out

It could also be season 2 era Rose/10 crossing over with 11, through … you know … time travel. Although I suspect Moffat will do something else completely because predictable things are boring.

The Romana ending makes more sense in the context of the books which actually develops the relationship. She's just a concept in the movie … which is why the Chau ending makes more sense in the context of the movie

It is still hurts to hear someone arguing that anyone is a match for Nick

I'm not a Rose fan. But she's in there for nostalgia's sake, same as Tennant. It's not like either of them can really add anything because after End of Time/11th Hour the entire Tennant conception of DW is over anyway. We are approaching the climax of an entirely tangential DW arc.

I'm probably working off less classic Who knowledge than others. Like only now do I get what the deal was with Sarah Jane's dress from "Pyramids of Mars"

I tend to just write off nearly all old who companions (expect maybe Ace) as artifacts in general.

I really wish I'd experienced it like that. I stared watching this show in the second season so I already knew all about this

Herschel still has one leg. Leaving on a secret mission to make tea alone was insane. Who wouldn't ask someone along just for the company … and you know not having to deal with the anxiety of picking plants and looking out for zombies.

I'm also going to fanwank that perhaps Raava's personality is more present in female Avatars, and Wan's is more present in men. As male Avatars always (to me) come off as more casual and fun loving. While female Avatars are more straightforward in their "I exist to fight evil things" role.

I imagine the sages didn't know anything, and either Korra explained versions to them off screen or they heard her in her sleep and used their scholarly knowledge or spiritual stuff to go "Gee I guess that particular legend should have some mertit."

I think it is fair to assume he blames Vaatu for that. His evil influence is what started the fighting.

Nature vs nuture? Are Aang and Korra really illogical off shoots of Wan's general personality? I get the sense that Aang is what that guy would turn into if he were raised by fun loving pacifist monks, and Korra is what you'd get if you wound him up with a bunch of combat training but never trusted him to make his own


Hybrid animals are just what animals are in this world. Or maybe before spirits took everything over mankind had cloning technology.

I hated this show back in the day, but I think it'd be awesome if it came back as some batshit Vampire Diaries for 30-somethings thing.

- Multiple Clara Oswald dopplegangers
- 1200+ years living in space and well, the Doctor proably only encounters some crazy doppleganger things every 50 years or so.

As an African American TVD viewer I don't see any hard racial subtext in this show either. Marcel is the black leader of a mostly white band of vampires and it is all of little consequence to anything. (The show doesn't even seem to care that he's in a love triangle with two white women)

Did Hayley not go to high school? Any exposure the foreign languages would have told her it had to be Latin or a romantic language. But she's cruises ever slavic one first. Next she'll see if it was Swahili or Mandarin