
Nope, the Originals are uber-vampires that live with a different rule set.

It is easier for me to accept Klaus' obsession with Caroline than her ever liking him back, as Caroline is far too classy to end up with a mass murdering psychopath.

It still doesn't explain why Ted couldn't just say "Your mom played bass for my friend Barney's wedding … that's how I met her"

The ultimate proof the writers never had a plan

I have no idea what was stopping Dexter from at least going the Weeds route and doing a "Dexter on the run" story

Of course Tennant and Piper were around in the '60s time travel stupid

Why couldn't they just go the Supernatural route of just going with the "real" ending, and letting the network undo it later. We viewers can then just pretend that X is the real end of the show.

That is an observation I've basically adopted for time. A good Doctor is someone who would be a scene stealing villain in anything else

Or … has the question been answered. The Doctor's true name was Jason Bateman all along
At least once, he should scream "GERONIMO!" when axe-murdering someone

I will miss Amy's sarcasm and badasserdy … and skirts … but there is always NTSF:SD:SUV::

I don't think there are any Bond actors I specifically didn't like. Some of the movies suck, but it wasn't the actor's fault

That's about what I'd expect. I was in high school when Man on Fire came out, so she couldn't be little kid these days

I could see her as a role model if she weren't outright exibitionist with the nude scenes, also the show makes Dunham's character outright conceited about her body sometimes. Like when she thought she could get the "pretty person waitress" job her friend had.

^^^^^ This
People do all this anti-aging crap, but if you are
A) Have decent genes
B) Eat right and stay in shape

Sorry, I'm not a scientist

I was 100% declaring this the best thing ever in 2008 and begging people to watch to ensure it wasn't killed by the writers strike.

Dexter was all downhill after the second season finale. Although season 7 was shockingly good and season 4 had its moments.

It is highly probable that the ending will be wild divisive, even if we all love every fucking second of what comes before

Syria is the danger

Tread lightly