
I am the one who clicks on meaningless headlines

Cosmina (although I doubt that would work out), Sarah, Alison

Kim Bauer will be revealed to be the person who really really REALLY ordered the hit on David Palmer

Not just that they are wasting GOB from and Grannie from "The Americans" screw  that

I was giant fan of the comic but the movie was in the B/B- range. Although I could see how someone could enjoy it less than I did

I never had that complaint myself. I can believe that the urgency of the situation would make getting Thor/Hulk/Captain America/Hawkeye/Black Widow on the job nearly impossible. (The events of Cpt America 2 are probably happening at the same time, much like Thor and Iron Man 2 happened during the same week).

It is really gross we when go around breaking down actors racial heritage. But even in a still mostly white, 21st century America, white actors are so overexposed that it is basically a joke (the classic example being the fact that "The Last Airbender" was even allowed to happen when all those characters were

At leas they won't cast a crap ton of white people as Asians like a certain other movie

No I get it.

Not it's "Game of Bones" or "50 Shades of Greyjoy"

Dany gets fingered by Drogo all most as soon as they are introduced.

I always saw the 7 Kingdoms as Western Europe while Dorne and Penthos and all that where like Northern Africa or something.

A clash of canceraids

Maybe he passionately hates vampires or something so such a cure would be an abomination. Vampire blood also has many negative aspects, like addiction, sex dreams, and psychically bonding to vampires whose blood you ingest.

Yes, the royal ancestry is important somehow, like non-royal fae wouldn't take to being turned or something

Maybe Lafayette will find people who will actually show up to work, that is, if he ever shows up to work

It's pretty bonkers (hey guess what show we are watching) but that was what I was rolling with. As faerie-vamps they could sustain each other forever.

I don't think it is age. Different vampires have different random powers. Bill explained that in the first episode.

I can't bring myself to care about Supernatural "rules" on this show. Hell, I was pretty sure faeries couldn't be turned into vampires a month ago

Vampire Diaries is on balance, a far more entertaining show than True Blood so I cut it slack for stuff like Damon (and to an even greater extent Klaus) and how most of its characters should be staying the fuck away from these people  unless they've forgotten then entire first two seasons. I give Caroline props for