
I like neither Reese’s Pieces nor Dave Matthews.

I’ve already been flamed regarding my (correct) option of Reese’s Pieces today, so I shall refrain from telling y’all what I think of Dave Matthews.

I love Turkey salad, I steal all leftover turkey from holiday meals just for that.

Great read. Thank you.

As a corollary to #1, if you have a smaller number of guests who are sane human beings, consider making several turkey hindquarters instead of a full bird (thigh & drum).  

Well then obviously this isn’t the article for you.

I used to feel this way, but have changed some opinions on it since getting married and spending time with the other side of the family. After traveling a lot and eating differently for a while, the old recipes just don’t hit me the same way any more. Some things are sacred, but others can be experimented with. I make

Holy shit, this is not a complex topic, and yet 90% of the commenters are totally thrown. Diana is NOT advocating for the right to libel people at will. She is arguing that the words “alleged” and “accused” are bad ways to carefully source allegations.

Wow, so basically either 90% of the initial commenters didn’t read the article at all and just came down here to be like “But innocent until proven guilty, yo!” or entirely missed “It is not a call to believe things just because we say them. It is asking to give us the same benefit of the doubt—or lack thereof—granted

Seeing a lot of comments in here from people who clearly didn’t actually read the post. Don’t be that person.

This is fair, and I am all about shortcuts—canned cranberry sauce, hello—but I just vastly prefer the taste of homemade here. But yes, whatever you need to do to keep your sanity of this day is a valid hack.

Y’all are wack. Mayo is fantastic on fries and burgers alike. You need to reevaluate your life decisions leading up to this point.

This is the same Hollywood that has been trying to forgive Roman Polanski for 30 years. You’re surprised?

I don’t want to kill them and I agree with your ideas as a better long-term solution.

Claire, you have once again done us all proud with the rightness of your thinking. The candy apple’s sole use is providing a frame of reference for sports car colors.

This is how mine works, too. I have to get up and get fully awake, otherwise its just an endless cycle.

Oh yeah once I have an episode I’m up for good. It could happen 1030 at night and I’m up for good. My worst problem are the days after because I get so worked up worrying about having another episode

Thank you—that is the plan. I’m generally not a freaker-out-er, but this freaked me out a bit :)

Last year’s stories were better.

Does anyone recall a story from the comments in recent years (I’ve looked and can’t find it) that was super disturbing - it was a guy on a road trip who stops along the way, and wherever he stops, there’s a really fucked-up message and like, roadkill guts waiting there for him? That story haunted me for awhile after I