
I can’t recommend The Gift of Fear to people enough. You were tapped in and in tune!

Makes me miss Buck Wild

I remember reading magazine items about how she was difficult, trashed hotel rooms, shit like that, and thinking huhm that’s odd, then basically never seeing her again. I believe her 100%.

I didn’t want to be the first one to say it - but was kinda disappointed myself. So many of them, while the commenters are heartfelt and these are their personal stories, didn’t really have a lot of pizzazz compared to years past. I didn’t even have to sleep with the light on this year.

They were straight up to no good, you keep trusting those spidey senses!

I can never go right back to sleep after an episode. I have to get up and walk around, read something, etc before I try again. If I try to roll over and go back to sleep I usually fall back into paralysis.

Well, and the deductible. My tubal ligation and uterine ablation were covered but I’m still paying the bill where I met that year’s deductible all at once - 18 months ago. I’ll probably have it all paid off in a few years.

Wasn’t Angelina Jolie abused by her father as a child? Also a contributing factor.

If someone has been raped, groped, sexually assaulted, or harassed, I don’t care what their gender is, they can step forward anytime and speak out.

Then he should screenshot and disseminate these DMs. Some of my male friends on social media have chimed in and it didn’t anger me or anyone else, maybe I am lucky enough at this point in my life to not be friends with too many dirtbags? Violation is unacceptable to any gender or age, and anyone who is a decent person

Good point, I forgot where I was - the internet! Duh!

I’m well informed about this open secret and nothing about the #metoo movement is excluding or harming any of these victims. AND YOU KNOW IT. Any man or boy can step forward right now and be welcomed and taken seriously, so what is the bellyaching about? Is it impossible to support the women who are brave and

I love how the top comment is “what about the men?!” It’s like some people can’t stand women being treated like they matter for once. No one said men couldn’t use the hashtag. Terry Crews and James Van Der Beek spoke out last week and were respected, as would any man who chimed in with their experience. It just so

I like alcohol and I don’t agree with this at all. An alcoholic drink tastes like alcohol. Even after years of drinking it, a mixed drink that isn’t weak af tastes like alcohol and sometimes, I’m just not in the mood for it and it tastes like a big slop of nail polish remover. And I’d like to gently point out, based

It’s so fucking easy for people to dismiss and rag on this woman, it infuriates me. As far as I know she never fucked underage groupies, so that puts her head and shoulders above most other musicians and actors in my estimation. Oh, she’s an addict? Messy and confrontational? Too bad she wasn’t born with a penis then

It was just a few weeks ago, I don’t believe it will air for a while. He tweeted some vids and pics while he was in town though! My friends met him at a dive bar near the capitol city. Makes me wish I were home so I could have met him too!

Bourdain came to West Virginia, my home state, and actually did an amazing job interviewing and contextualizing our current opioid crisis, economic straits, and cultural exile. I was blown away at the respect and perspective he had with everyone he met, and how he refused to take on a patronizing role. Also, did

Their description of Mothman is disappointing, but it’s a pretty color.

And chlamydia can be totally asymptomatic, and most STIs have incubation periods - HPV varities can hang out over a year before it manifests, and it’s not on a standard STI screen, nor is herpes, you just don’t know until you have a lesion/get a bad PAP etc.

I’ve been in those stirrups myself, a total bummer all around. I do want to be clear that while I see what you’re saying, I think that a lot of people, especially young people, because we don’t talk about our STIs publicly or even to our friend groups, think that STIs are things that won’t happen to them, it’s