
What’s weird about it is that they can’t tell him that it’s right there. It’s not about the cookies.

I don’t think it’s the actual Professor X. I think it’s some hologram or robot programmed with his mind and/or automatic responses.

Giving Darth Vader an arc also ruins everything Yoda does in The Empire Strikes Back, and Luke’s entire arc in episodes V and VI. If a genocidal mass-murdering dark side agent of evil can return to the light side by murdering one guy, it means that there are literally no personal stakes for Luke in either movie.

Thank you. He destroyed a planet just cause. He built a freaking wmd for god sakes. Darth vader is sadam hussein.

No, that’s just dumb. The whole “glimmer of good” is stupid. Yes, people are multi-faceted, but just because a mega-maniacal mass murdering psychopath admits that he loves his son does not absolve him of all sins. Or any sins. The fact that he shows up at the end as a ghost and is all buddy-buddy with the other Jedi

The worst part is that Eddie Murphy eventually did what Cosby suggested. He cut out the edgy comedy and focused on movies that would appeal to children, ruining his career.

Interesting experiment and conspiracy fuel for the chemtrail crowd.

White shmucks? What does race have to do with it? They were shmucks, let’s just leave it there.

Cosmos had a great deal about Global Warming in it. Including Neil Degrasse Tyson explaining how much carbon we are letting into the air, comparing it to levels of eras of mass extinction, and stating that the dinosaurs couldn’t see the asteroid coming but what’s our excuse (not at all equivocating about the cause).

Is there any fanbase, or collection of fans from a city, that can’t take a joke more than Boston/Patriots fans? Guys, relax, its a joke. Every team gets roasted. My god, its hilarious the inferiority complex that bleeds out of Boston sometimes.

kermit did 9/11

Specifically it was 5 way coleidescope sex montage that included a wendigo and it was a ruse to impregnate herself and wrench control of her life from her sociopathic brother. Said lesbian character is now in a stable relationship with a woman and in control of her family’s pork empire. Context helps.

The politico, uber-leftist, “please everyone, or face the consequences” response I’ve come to expect from the modern Whine Country denizen. Please tell me again how your taste or displeasure with what Bryan Fuller may have said (but in all documented realities, he didn’t *yes, I checked your sources) detracts from the

“Oh and Bryan Fuller changed Margot’s storyline and made her fuck a man in a drawn out sex scene and when lesbians stated their displeasure on twitter he spent time saying horrible things to them such as he asked his male crew if they’d like to fuck a lesbian and they said yes. I won’t miss that jackass either.”

But the main “couple” of the show, Hannibal and Will

Moonbeam, is that you?

Tell us about how Bryan Fuller killed your cat and abused your mother also. I think the world needs to know!

There’s nothing gratuitously in Hannibal, except the gorgeous cinematography. If you haven’t seen the show, don’t criticize it, because it makes you sound like a huge ignorant, specially about Margot.

You all need a union