
Could be Ron Howard....He was an actor and is now a director/producer. I will also cry if it is him. NOT OPIE!!!

He’s a national treasure!! Though... also the first name that popped into my mind just because it would be the last person I’d suspect.

And people wonder why Britain and the United States don’t want these refugees.

I hear that in Derek Zoolander’s voice. Can the straws even fit inside the building?

Yes, yes he is:

What a weird world we live in. Third Eye Blind has more courage to stand up to a candidate and a party that is espousing hatred and bigotry than Mike Judge. Fuuuck this.

Mike Judge is an Alex Jones dude, it’s not surprising that he won’t do an Anti-Trump ad if he can’t do an Anti-Hilary one too.

Fuck Mike Judge. I always thought he was a fucking right winger.

Agreed. Maybe it’s not “novel” anymore, but it’s still really impressive.

I guess in lieu of making something people actually like, you can intentionally under-perform and call it really edgy satire. I know when I’m insecure about the results of my efforts, I sometimes self-sabotage them - for example, if I’m making a piece of functional furniture and I want it to turn out way better than I

“No one is impressed by your dumb choreographed videos, OK Go.”

If you click over to the article there are pictures showing before they grew beards to dupe hipsters into paying 10 bucks a bar for remelted chocolate. It's fucking hilarious and reminds me of the duck dynasty bros.

Somewhere (in Portland, probably) there’s a machine that spits dudes like those guys out by the dozens. We must find this machine, lest we be flooded with inane conversations about small batch bourbon and banjo / mustache wax.

Ah the standard comment that has been around for at least the 3 years I’ve been reading. Welcome to Gizmodo, apparently you don’t come here very often.

okay, I’m confuzzled again. (Sorry it keeps happening) Given that the traditional GOP party stance is liberty, private property, entrepreneurship, and limited government (hey I said traditional!) Why isn’t climate change one of their major platforms? It isn’t a hard case to make.

I never understood the Deen love. Boyish smile or no, I’ve seen him in way too many videos that simulate rape, and I could never understand how someone who purports, even mildly, toward feminist self-identification could justify that.

No joke. I am considering moving out of my house today as one of my housemates just said, “Good! I saw those videos of PP selling baby brains and they deserve to be brought down.”

What are you talking about? These movies are so gloriously cheesy and stupid. It’s so nice to have these fun, over the top movies that don’t take themselves seriously. Sure the stories aren’t great but hating these is like hating nachos and cheese.

Yeah but eventually they’ll just put the kibosh on the spinoffs and focus more on politics.

Ooh, I can’t wait for the film that explains what the hell Mia and the Brazilian cop were up to for all of “Fast & Furious 6”.