
If I understand the reviews correctly: Clooney’s love interest in Tomorrowland is literally a little girl.

So who will they get to star opposite Rebel Wilson now?

She’ll be playing Fassbender’s mom within a few years.

Why do you care if someone on the internet makes a lighthearted jab about a corporation?

Yeah, they're turning it into a franchise (the next one features Hulk Hogan and the Scooby Gang). They've got a writer for the rebooted live-action franchise, but it'll probably be another 2-3 years before that hits.

My kids would go insane for that. Fingers crossed.

Scooby Doo is always hot. That Scooby Doo meets the WWE title from last year was huge.

Yeah if you go to the Netflix page for Revenge (1990) it shows it expiring on 2/1. The page for the ABC series shows no expiration date. If I recall, Netflix has a long term deal for the rights.

It's not really Netflix's choice - it comes down to whatever their deal is with the rights holders. The Bond films seem to come and go on Netflix, I'm sure they'll be back before too long.

It's not the series, it's the Tony Scott movie of the same name that's leaving.

Revenge isn't being removed from Netflix. It's the OTHER Revenge (Tony Scott's film, which also starred Madeline Stowe) that's disappearing from the service on 2/1.

Loved that storyline. Wasn't there an X-Men/Alpha Flight miniseries that tied into it as well?

The official team site seems like a weird place to comment on what's potentially a police matter.

If you re-arrange the letters in "Sandy Hook World Trade Center Pentagon Benghazi and Boston Marathon" you get "New England Patriots, a work day torched, Bonanza Hombres Ghetto Kong".

Yeah, I was wondering the same thing. Been dying to get a dedicated box to run Mame, etc.

All CGI.

One day Blackberry is going all in on the enterprise market. The next they're desperately throwing money at consumers. Is it any wonder why your average smartphone user has no idea what to make of the company or their offerings?

VUDU's selection and streaming quality are excellent (as if their wonderful disc-to-digital program) - but a dedicated stick is insane.

My sister was eight years older than me and I think I'd have been scarred for life if she attempted a similar bribe. It's crazy, creepy shit.

Perfectly stated.