
That sounds amazing! Links?!

"Dinosaur" is wonderful on Conservapedia. They were on Noah's Ark!!

House of Cards meets Margin Call, set in the Alien-verse.

In the Walt Whitman Award-winning novel Alien: Sea of Sorrows, it's revealed that Weyland Yutani purposely targeted Tracy Morgan for extermination because he would go on to invest in the company that developed the Power Loader.

"Decker couldn't believe his eyes. Neo had warned him that Weyland Yutani had only created the Matrix to simulate the effects of a xenomorph invasion of Earth, but he had no idea that their endgame was so goddamned perverse. How had the bastards managed to clone the person that knew him best?

And even if we went with the "genetic memory thing", which is insane, Ripley killed a whopping 16 aliens across 4 films. That's enough to make her the sworn enemy of an entire species?

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Particularly when it was made clear in Alien Resurrection that Weyland Yutani no longer existed.


The FoxNews talking points seem to be: "What Sterling said was wrong but he's an individual and not representative of old, white America's attitudes towards undesirables. Also: did you know that a black person said something racist once?"

I continue to be intrigued by the mystery of her divorce from Armisen. It sounds so sordid.

I do not know how you can Zyklon B so insensitive...

Mmmm, 50 Shades of "hey...!"

Agreed re: Scott & Emma. Despite being (initially) adulterous, their love story is probably my favorite in comics.

And we got that instead of a David O. Russell-directed Emma Frost solo film. God hates us. I'd love to know what his idea was one of these days.

I was reading X-Men comics off and on for almost 18 years and stopped with the end of Morrison's run. Planet X and Here Comes Tomorrow seemed like the perfect end to the tale, no reason to read further.

I don't think Lego We Need To Talk About Kevin even made it out of the proposal stage.

Yeah, I never got the hate for Fierce Creatures. It should be a little nastier (particularly towards the end) but it's very, very funny in spots.

Yeah, it's downright disappointing that there's so little support at this point. I purchased it mainly for HBO Go (as the PS3 does not offer) and still...nothing.

Only $300.00 in quarters per half hour.

"Amusement Milf"?