
Simply, the company has a responsibility to maximize profits for its shareholders. Telling shareholders not to buy or play your product is counter-intuitive to this legal responsibility (thank you Enron). This would be akin to asking all the drinkers of an awful beer to drink a different beer, shut up, or to leave

You and so many others on here are a callous cold lot for using a tragedy to assist in pushing personal political views and the race bait angle you added just serves to prove my point. I hope for comfort to find the hearts of the ones effected personally by this tragedy. 

Do you realize it is people like yourself with so little respect for life that commit these shootings? Going to talk as such 48 hours after a passing. Stay classy.

ummmm... not really, some games I’ve beta or alpha tested for free in last 12'ish months: Madden 18-19, Destiny 2, Dad of War, Sea of Thieves, AC, MvC and several others not coming to mind at the moment. Thats EA, Activision, Bungie, Microsoft, Capcom, and Sony. Didn’t pay a cent, all were free. So are smaller studios

On a 4 gig rig you are not running anything smooth or fast unless it is an absolute skeleton system. Just the bloatware in Windows 10 Home will bog down a 4 gig system and cause processing issues causing tearing and shit performance all around (which non-tech savvy may think of as poor monitor performance). I love how

I am so happy I bought a 1070 the day it came out! Was half the price of a 1080 and it serves all my needs.

Ummm, Sony does a great job of exclusives selling consoles too. MS is the only one that doesnt have console selling quality exclusives.

Lol, I hear yuh. A couple buddies and I have been going back and playing D1. After the dumpster fire that is D2, it is refreshing and saddening to live the nostalgia that is D1. I stand by that the game was ruined by static rolls. No point in grinding just to get the same armor, mods be damned.


People playing this game at all are endorsing EA’s business model so to hell with the lot. “Cheat” to your hearts content imbso. I got great amusement pondering what ifs about the guy that did this, like: what if he is a moron and this took dozens of hours, would that make it counterproductive; if you value your time

Ummm... been playing WoW since vanilla and can say vanilla was fun but it was mediocre. Moving forward, Burning Crusade and WotLK were amazing and the game went to hell afterwards. When it became a game with more or less guided classes it lost a lot. Legion helped by at least making it a long guided character

Hawaii has litigation moving on that right now actually.

Agreed, bought vanilla D2, but wouldnt play expansions if they were free, let alone $35.

“light years ahead of D1"... son, this is simply a continuation of D1, so no excuses. Its watered down, slightly reskinned, catered to PvP, PvE is a train wreck, static rolls make replayability a joke, relabeled to D2 and sold to the likes of you. Trolling everyone that thinks your favorite game stinks, is not going

The game is boring and a watered down version of D1. You’re the one looking like a fanboy crying because his feelings got hurt. Smh, children these days.

Probably related to the deal with Disney and Marvel, not surprised (but saddened) to see it go

Played Beta for 1, it was awesome, decided to preorder the deluxe with season pass... 😔😖🤢


You need to stay at space camp. Bungie left MS after Halo. There are 3 CoD developers so don’t blame Activision for a phantom switch, may as well be snipe hunting. Overwatch and Destiny are wildly different games, both shooters and that’s about the extent. Destiny has a great story, just a shitte way to access e.g.

From my experience, in PvP, lighy nor gear matter. The only thing that seems to matter is connection. The more craptastic section 8'ey your connection the better you do. Every red line warrior I come across finish in top 3 consistently. Bungie’s solution: make private server pvp available (which they had since Halo