
That annoyed me, last episode Paul was brought up as a big deal. But this week everyone seemed to forget about him.

Emilia Clarke beat Tatiana?
That's just messed up.

Maybe they'll show up later. Henrik's wife was mentioned to be out of town, so I wouldn't be surprised if the rest of the family showed up to cause trouble later.

When Donnie reveals he had the safety on the entire time.
Vic: I hate this garage.

That's why you were able to hold out seven days instead of the seven minutes you would have lasted if you attacked Winterfell.

It doesn't make that clear. It implies that, and I'd say that it's a red herring.

I was thinking of A Song of Ice and Fire during this episode. For a moment about half way through this episode I was thinking that if everyone just talked it out they could work it out and become friends.
This show does great with making every character at least somewhat sympathetic.

Donnie and Alison having sex at the end of the episode might be one of my favourite parts of the season.
Before this episode I never thought I'd like Donnie so much.

Well if you face Helena she'll probably go for your eyes.
So you're screwed either way.

He's a monster sure. Doesn't mean he's lying about this.

But Davos is a POV character, so he can really only be killed off onscreen.
Stannis, when he dies, will be all alone with no POV characters to witness.

Well we can guess that Stannis is likely going to send Theon and Asha away (Theon is the only one who has a claim against Euron.) So there aren't any POV characters left with Stannis to witness his death.

He's is a hard motherfucker.
That's why he marched through a blizzard, his men starving to death, just to get defeated in battle.
That's pretty hard, I would have just gone home.

You're not going to get your head on a pike. You'll probably be flayed and fed to Ramsey's dogs.
But don't worry, if I had to make a bet I'd say Shireen will end up on the throne.

The preview chapter is set before the battle.
I'm saying he dies during the battle.

What ticks me off about ADWD is that everyone assumes Stannis isn't dead.
That's some hardcore wishful thinking.

Books and television are different categories.

Congratulations D and D.
Stannis decided to go help the Night's Watch at the end of season 3. Because he didn't show up this episode D and D have managed to stretch out Stannis' journey to an entire season.
Someone should give them an award in stretching shit out to breaking point.

Wrong. Everyone knows that Sam is Daario.

I'm interested to see what it says about their fans. Two people paid the 10K to get killed off in Homestuck.
Now we wait to see if ASOIAF fans are willing.