
1. Sure the High Septon might know, but that would be kind of ridiculous.
2. A happy coincidence? The HS is just going to go "Hmm, I need someone to fight this monster. Go to a sept in the Riverlands and bring me their grave digger."
"Do you have a reason for this your holiness?"
"No… But maybe it will all work out."

Well that would rely on the High Septon knowing about the Hound still being alive, I kind of got the feeling the Elder Brother was trying to keep that on the down low.
And he'd need to know the history between the Clegane brothers.
And he'd need to know that Ser Robert Strong is actually The Mountain back from the dead.

Three mountains! All together in the same scene!
He will have been recast with Tatiana Maslany.

It's moments like that one that make me sad I don't have a Twitter account and never use my Facebook one.

Then the best solution (if we absolutely have to have Brienne meet Stoneheart now) would be to end on that reveal and start season five with her almost being hanged.

Yeah that seems like where the story is headed, so I'd bet GRRM has something completely different in mind.

GRRM doesn't plan on ending the series until you have no hope left and can only see suicide as a way out.
Or until he can afford another solid gold yacht.

I liked Quentyn's chapters. There was only like four of them and I was amazed at how quickly he got to Meereen compared to Tyrion's long journey.

Unless they do the Brienne is almost hanged scene. Which won't fill anyone with hope.

Oh right, I miscounted.
But in my defence I don't have nearly 1000 fingers so we should all be glad that I even got that close.

The point of Easter eggs is to be hardly noticeable.

I can't imagine the leech baths will ever be bought up. That fits into the category of too colourful for the show along with Vargo Hoat and Daario's facial hair.

If the Hound is the gravedigger (which I hope is true and do think), then it's not for some larger purpose. It's just a little Easter egg GRRM put into book 4.

That war is bad. Did you even read the books?
: P

I doubt it will be someone important, mainly because GRRM knows everyone has been expecting that.
So yeah it'll probably be Bowen Marsh.

They could just shoot the scene in a single room. And there's a theory that the reason Arianne wasn't in the casting sheet was because they've already decided who is going to play her.

The only part of Sansa's storyline I'm not looking forward to is the immense amount of filler they're going to have to come up with for her now.

Well that's just about the greatest burn I've ever heard.

So you admit you are Adolf "TGGP" Hitler, leader of the Grammar Nazis. :)

Truly, you are histories greatest monster.