
Yeah alright, that makes sense.

Wait if Hurley was in Western Australia why did he catch a flight back to LA from Sydney?

First we might still get a scene where he dies at the start of TWOW. We know we're getting at least one scene of him before the battle, there might be a scene of battle were he dies.
But I doubt it.
I doubt Theon or Asha are going to be around for the battle, which means there won't be any POV characters to see him die.

Yeah the Arya/ Hound goodbye scene is one of the times the changes the showrunners made to the source material that has worked and been as effective as the books.
Not at all like the terrible Tyrion escape sequence.

GRRM has also made a habit of not misdirecting readers when it comes to character's dying. Ned, Robb, Joffrey, Balon, Renly, pretty much everyone who has died.

Hey, I'd watch that.

And they cut Arya telling the Hound "You don't deserve mercy."
I'd been waiting for that line all year.

Jojen's death isn't really a big loss. It's not like the show ever really did anything with him.
Meera could have been killed off easily too. Bran's death would shock people but they'd get over it easily.
Really the only person in that group whose death would actually effect people would be Hodor.

Well Tywin did give Tyrion a "get out of execution free card." Tyrion was the one who rejected him and went for the trial by combat. Tywin didn't really have a choice but to sentence him to death after Oberyn died.

If they were able to give Theon a storyline during season 3 then they could have made up something for Stoneheart to do while we waited.

I didn't like Jon Snow saying that Ned would imprison Mance.
Mance was a deserter from the Night's Watch, Ned would have taken his head off.
But other than that point I liked the rest of that scene.

Tony that guy no one liked.

The Frey's trying to murder Manderly is why he won't do anything to help Stannis.
If Manderly's men help Stannis and word gets back to Winterfell Wyman Manderly is right in Roose's face stabbing range.

All the preview chapter says is that Stannis is alive and well before the battle.
Which he would be.
(Also, no immediate danger? There were 3 different armies coming to kill him in that chapter.)

That's all true except that the Manderly men won't help Stannis.
Wyman said in Davos' last chapter that if the Frey's had seen through his "killing Davos" ruse he would have immediately apologised and actually killed Davos.
Without Rickon the Manderly's won't help Stannis.
So unless TWOW opens with Davos sailing to

If I had to guess I'd say that he was a monitor. But that he was also secretly a "ghost" with Paul (Whatever that means.) Dyad found out what being a ghost means and killed him. (Presumably Marion gave that order.)
But that's just a guess and I've been almost consistently wrong with my guesses about this show.

And Alison has wrapped up this whole murder situation so she should be able to help out. And Tony probably wants revenge for Dyad killing his partner.
This could be a multi clone team up to infiltrate Dyad.

Well they killed off Henrik, so that's one less storyline they have to juggle.

Well no one wants Paul. But if they're going to spend the entire Tony storyline as an excuse to reveal that he's a ghost they could at least follow up on that.

Which bit of prophecy was that?
And I think it makes sense for Stannis to be killed off at this juncture, he should have been destroyed by a bigger army books ago. His dying here is more of a "about time" moment.