James Fleeting

I know three people on that list, and one of them is 'Snooki.' I wouldn't watch something with Snooki in it supposing it was the second coming of Christ, and she was just standing in the background.

I believe you. That's why I said "worst movie I ever paid to see" and not "worst movie ever"

Worst movie I've ever paid to see. Utterly irredeemable.

You'd think Egon would be smart enough to know that it'd be sporeS moldS and fungi.

Still better than Joey x Rachel.


It actually specifically stated that mushrooms are NOT used to make kombucha.

Someone needs to make a River's-viewpoint-viewing-order. Like The Rebel Flesh, Demon's Run, The Impossible Astro, Let's Kill Hitler, Crash of the Byz -> Pandorica - > Angels -> Husbands -> Library. Only actually do the research heh, that was off the top of my head.

I mean the whole rant is rather unsettling but I do like the "Unhappy? Move!" point. It obviously ignores the economic issues many would have moving, but I also think it's great advise when taken figuratively. Unhappy with your situation? Recognize you have the power to change it.

The funny thing is as a Scottish expat who has lived in the US for the last 18 years, No-Maj sounds waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too British to me. That sounds awkward as fuck coming out of an American but it sounds perfectly normal in a british accent. Should have been the other way around - Us muggles brits no-mag.

Also, the concept of "changing the party from the inside" is one I've heard many times. The problem with that is that we don't have TIME for your probably-ineffective efforts. Seriously. Miami is going to be underwater by the time my son is in college. My Aunt is dying of Parkinson's and my Uncle is dying from

I'm not saying all Republicans, as in everyone who is a member of the party, are evil. I'm saying the Republican Party itself is evil. I'm not comparing them to Nazis here, but not all Nazis were evil either, but the Nazi Party *was* evil. The Republican Party in its current state is a force of evil in the world, and

Whatever your personal beliefs are, when you vote Republican you vote for evil. Are all conservatives evil? Absolutely not. Is the conservative viewpoint inherently evil? I'd say yes, but it's certainly up for debate. What isn't up for debate is that when you vote ANYTHING BUT DEMOCRAT you vote AGAINST YOURSELF.

He's an opportunist. No doubt he's been able to impose a ton of rules on the show so he at least feels it's going to be all-positive for him. He's probably right too. He'd go on telemundo if he thought it'd help his chances.

lmfao. Conservative trolls, always good for a chuckle. It remains a wonder that most of them can operate a computer.

lmfao. You said it yourself. We defend people. People are people. No one is going to "outbreed us out of existence" because guess what - they're all just people, you racist piece of trash.

I love SNL but this will be the only episode I'll never watch. SNL is party to blame for Bush (and all the evil that came from him) thanks to that fucking Lockbox skit. To give this walking punchline from a racist joke a full hour of primetime advertising… fuck you Lorne. FUCK YOU.

Come on dude, seriously? Aren't you paid to write this? Really? Your instead of you're? "…the crusade your on,"

I *hate* It Follows. The movie was not scary. The movie was not cool. The movie was really, really, REALLY stupid. Everyone acts like it's some great amazing original horror story but it's without scares, without depth, without any sort of decent plot or story. It's total garbage, it plays like a film school project

Boo. Despite Hugh Laurie's hysterical Prince, it's all about Black Adder II. Come on now, Queenie & Nursie? Too good. Plus the 4th Doctor with no legs!