James Fleeting

It was so fucking stupid. I can get moving at the speed of plot, but when EVEN THE CHARACTERS IN THE UNIVERSE IGNORE DISTANCES it's stupid. The whole 'suicide squad' plan would take MONTHS to execute, so why would someone (Jon) that does NOT HAVE MONTHS POSSIBLY MAKE THAT STUPID PLAN.

Sorry if I ruffled your fedora.

That's just like, your opinion man. Plenty of monarchs get deposed and then put back in power. Like you said, the side with the biggest army is the one that really wins, but they still use titles and claims to justify that shit.

I said a "better claim." They both still have a claim. There's just competing claims as well.

That was a table setting episode if ever I saw one. Also everyone hear Gilly casual like drop that Jon is Rhegar's legitimate son and heir and therefore has a stronger claim to the throne than Dany?

He was shit at dying. He fucked it up. 99% of characters in this show get that shit right and John fucked it up.

Yeah but he enjoys that.

Yeah, but he enjoys that.

I think you misread the "Everyone enjoys what they're good at. I don't." line. Jon is good at killing.

Oh man when you're to the point of begging. "I promise it'll be ok, just give her back, we can make it ok for everyone just please I promise." Heart goes out to this father. That's the worst thing I can imagine. When you're begging for mercy from whoever has your baby.

How can a show attract this many great talents and yet be so very, very unfunny. My jaw was just getting wider and wider as more and more awesome actors were in it and it just kept being so unfunny.


It's literally illegal to make a door a blind person couldn't operate.

A combination lock on the control room does not make a lot of sense. Sense was already out the window.

The ending was stupid. What sort of a lab has a combination lock like that. What, there's no braille on the numbers? How is that even a thing. It was so fucking contrived it hurt.

Oh yeah cause that film was a total work of fantasy, right? No real world themes going on here, no, it's all witches and magic and brain surgery. No analogues to real life experiences of actual people, right?

To the point that they're just going to let someone who knows so much of their dirty laundry get away with murder? Unlikely. The police are going to connect him to his dead girlfriend and someone is going to implicate him. It's crazy to think otherwise. Seriously think about it like real life for a second - no fucking

Except for the literally dozens of people who saw him and knew his name at the party the day before? Now their "friends" have been murdered and they're not going to, you know, say anything about that? I'm sure some of them will stay teh fuck away because they don't want to be implicated in all the crazy, but I'm sure

I mean that's what happened in the real ending as well, you just didn't see it. You think he gets away with all that? Nope. Not in this world. Not with all those complicit witnesses from the auction still alive.

No, seriously. Take your fucking texting outside. If your friend is fighting with her boyfriend and it's more important than the movie, THEN LEAVE THE FUCKING MOVIE. THAT PSA AT THE START TO TURN YOUR PHONE OFF ISN'T JUST FOR OTHER PEOPLE YOU ENTITLED TWAT.