James Fleeting

You've got to consider though that it's not like the volunteers are from some random pool. They are the 5% who could deal with this shit. THat's why they volunteered. Think about it - David P. was basically running a cult. Those support staff are the die hard scientologists.

Can you risk it though? I'm reading the books and he states in them (and don't ban me for this this isn't spoilers from the books, this takes place during the 4th or 5th episode) that they lost 95 people in group A. More than 10% of the species. They give a lot more numbers in the book. There were just under a

…because passively pulling radio signals out of the air can get you noticed…

I'll give you that, but they'd have something. Some brief nod. "How do you process all this so quickly?" "You'd be surprised what an extra 100 years of technological progress can do." Anything. Just a nod to it. As it stands it looks like an omission on the part of David P. Who the hell travels to the future and isn't

Remember that the status quo only has to last until the kids are adults. He's basically written off the current adults, and thus anything he does to them is justified if it gets him to the kids being adults. Again I'm not saying it's what I'd do, it isn't, but I get the guy's reasoning.

IF they're wrong though and it goes out of control again, what then? How many letters do you think they have in there? I think he's justified, given the scenario he was in, in doing the most extreme thing possible. HE does not have infinity lives. I'm not saying the choice he made is then the right one, but I wouldn't

Also cool Mars idea. I mean 'take all the techynolgoy with them' would never happen. If they left the planet in 2095 they might take most of the 2095 technology with them, but are they really going to bring into space all the iphone 15s from 2075? I think not. Bringing 'all the technology' is totally absurd, actually.

Did you…only read the first sentence of my post? I'm not suggesting they salvage future tech, I'm suggesting he set up a system to record the internet for as long as possible. Or a fucking external hard drive that backs up wikipedia once a year. THat's all you'd need lol.

I think you're mistaken on the timeline, in the show at least. I believe, in the flashbacks, correct me if you actually look and I'm wrong, he stated he had volunteers BEFORE he started abducting people. Before the awful ass hypnotherapist convinced him he needed to take those drastic measures. Either way, he had a

Wow we're different people. Since I found out what was behind the fence I was looking forward to whoever finally busted it dying screaming and full of regret. I've been savoring the idea of that moment for 3? 4? episodes, and it was over too quickly.

I'm not opposed to alternate scenarios. I'm not advocating David P's method. As I've explained elsewhere, I wouldn't kidnap anyone. I'd use my 200 volunteer's ~100 fertile wombs and the millions of donor eggs and billions of donor sperm I brought with me to the future. No kidnapped people, just volunteers and

Idiot is perhaps a poor choice of words, but as the viewer that's how it feels. With our superior knowledge, watching them work so very very hard to kill themselves made it hard not to scream JUST DIE ALREADY IDIOT.

I feel like you're being sarcastic when what you're saying makes perfect sense. THe fact that Group A did not work is a necessary fact in the show's universe. It's called suspension of disbelief, and it's necessary for stories. Within the world of Rip Van Winkle, it's possible to sleep for 20 years. Otherwise the

Duh, does not change the fact that it affected him. You telling me you could feel totally 100% ok? Of course it's irrational to say "i could have gone back and tanked my career and gone to JAIL to stop this person that I *felt* was bad." Why would you have done that though? It's pretty clear, at least the TV version

Here's a question, where is the future tech? I know they have cryonics but David P. made that in the modern day, even earlier actually. Where's the technology from 2095? If society crumbled, and it did, it didn't go quietly. Everyone didn't become an Abby overnight. The last of humanity fought, and made crazy ass

My biggest issue with this show is how unneccsary the whole scary prison town schtick is. I'm not saying "People wouldn't flip out!" It's been established that they do. I'm saying they don't need ANY prisoner adults. They have 200 volunteers. That's PLENTY to restart society, thanks to donor eggs/sperm (they could

No one has a more important imperative than the survival of the species. No one. The species matters more than you, your hopes, your dreams. It matters more than your children and your genes. Our race and I would argue our culture matters more than any individual. Every one of those people is important. Now why they

You don't have to think that's how it would be in the real world. You have to accept that's how it is in this world. THey've established that. They've stated it. They've *showed* it. It happened. IT does not have to make sense to your real-world sensibilities. It's been established.

I got that but unless he's in the background staff, and with 2 episodes left I don't see them reintroducing that, he was not available for a live phonecall with Kate. It's possible that's the case, but then why wouldn't they have him talk to Ethan any of the 987 times he called demanding to speak to him.

Here's a thought. Right in the middle of a terrorist plot let's pull all our surveillence people for a nice pow-wow. Oh hey a truck got stolen, and someone might try and use it to take out the fence? Better not get any of our like 100 guards out and have them guard the fence. Because that would make sense. Hey here's