James Fleeting

I really would have liked it if the idiot outside the fence had another moment or two of life. Like he was surrounded and injured, and started screaming to get back inside the fence. THen he dies. I would have liked him to have more time to appreciate how stupid he was. Plus the irony of him begging for the fence's

I just want to make sure yo know that "
Petty criticism corner: Hassler left Kate a message telling her this was all a government experiment, and warned her she might be tested by another agent—and she seriously thinks Ethan is that agent? 12 years later, when all hope is lost, to the point that she’s setting off

Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't they already remove the (harmless) mercury/thimerosal from the MMR vaccine, thus making it a less effective/more expensive vaccine, just to appease these wackos?

No but everyone should be interesting. Yes I know not everyone is 'interesting' in real life but this isn't real life, it's a work of fiction. I don't want to be forced to spend every 5th chapter with a boring idiot.

Is the AV club just not covering Supernatural anymore?

Awful. Sansa is awful. I hated Sansa a decade ago, and I hate her now. Sansa exists so we can continue to enjoy the awesomeness of Petyr Baelish. You are of course entitled to your opinon, but it's so wrong. It's like you just said "Justin Bieber really is the best musical artist of our time." or "That Kanye West guy

Easter egg for the comic readers, dude's MMO character is a were-terrier.

Is he 35? I don't think he's 35. You can't be elected if you're not 35.

Man those are the luckiest people ever. Like buying a bag of shit and opening it to find gold nuggets.

…and that's uninteresting. It's a book. A 'normal girl' does not make for an interesting protagonist.

Yes I'm male. Sansa is so annoying. She has no agency, she just reacts to everything around her - and poorly at that. Her stupidity is responsible for some of the worst to things to happen in the whole series. I hate her dumb face. I hate Sansa more than Joffrey.

Psh, of course it would be a Sansa chapter. It's hard not to skip those when I'm reading the books and I'm expected to get excited to have JUST a Sansa chapter to read? What's next, Robert Jordan comes back from the dead…just to write a Nynaeve chapter? Ugh.

This is unwatchable. Apart from the video quality being crap I've had to reload (and find my place again) FIVE TIMES in FIVE MINUTES. I have a fast internet connection, my browser works fine, i've been watching stuff on hulu youtube and netflix error free all day. Yahoo's viewer is just crap.

Lana was already dressed in the lingerie from the last episode, I believe.

Oh yeah. I had to reset the page at least 8 times across both episodes. It only remembered my place like 3/4 of them too.

I'm trying to watch this on Yahoo but the video quality is crazy low. Can't find any way to turn it up. I can't watch this low-def crap.

Oh, well hell then I'd give the point to Krieger, but again for the Alien saying his name, not for his 'excitement.' Again, clone-Krieger can't be into aliens? Confirming with telepathy that he has the same name as the original Krieger is definitely a stronger indicator for a pro-Krieger point than what is listed here.

Yeah I'm not saying it's 100% THAT MEANS HE'S A CLONE, but in terms of the ongoing 'Krieger v. Clone' debate on these reviews, that's a way way way stronger indicator of 'Clone' than "Krieger filled with joy' is for Krieger. Like the other clones are somehow less human than Krieger (who is an identical clone.)

Uhh, the Aliens call Krieger by another name - that's TOTALLY a point for Krieger clone - they're clones of Hitler (somehow), they're not all going to be named Krieger. You're CRAZY for giving the point to Krieger - clone-Krieger can't be interested in aliens?