James DeRiven

Was that Sparks Nevada, the Marshall On Mars, showing up as one of the bean counters?

Dude, this was a year ago, I hella moved on.

AV Club has had the most ungodly worthless search engine for years.

Yeah, I'd agree with that statement. There's just so much goddamn waste in those movies though - the spiders, Beorn, all that extra boring shit with the elves, adding fucking Legolas, the shitty love triangle and on and on and on - fuck those movies.

Was he in that movie?

I liked the…

"I don't think it detracts from the novels in any way."

My attempts to read Quicksilver last about six pages every time before I remember that historically-set novels written in the present tense make me irrationally angry.

"A geographer is… human…"

"but I don't think they dragged the moon closer to do it, or melted a few thousand icebergs to raise the global sea level. "

Which one?

Really you could have checked out the moment you saw the word 'Martin.' Save a lot of time.

It does not. Geology generation takes maybe twenty seconds: most of the initial processing lag is in populating the world over time - history takes much more time than geography.

"And then Mother Church turned us all into skulls, and King Kong did the rest…"

The dude just has to skim the first ten pages of the Silmarillion and he would know his points were spurious and silly.

It's way too goofy to manage to even pretend to be grim an gritty. It's trying so, so hard, and failing so delightfully.

"They pretty much ignored the Doctor Strange movie." I can't say I blame them.

Lost in Space is one of my favourite movies.

"I guess you're right. It's more of a Shelby Woo idea…"

The best joke in the MST3K Colossal Episode Guide is in the F.A.Q.