James DeRiven

*theme from Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends*

Like, I know you're a spambot, but this seemed so in keeping with the bitter irony and veiled grief of the moment that I just nodded and went 'yeah, that was Disqus spam for you.'

Like, I know you're a spambot, but this seemed so in keeping with the bitter irony and veiled grief of the moment that I just nodded and went 'yeah, that was Disqus spam for you.'

So disappointing.

Like Spider-man and Alice the Goon and Little Nemo and Dishman and all those famous Stan Lee creations.

… oh. You mean Jack Kirby.

Thank you.

Homestuck. Yeah, it's got an often vocally shitty fanbase - ignore them. Yeah, its got some language that's a bit regressive in 2017 which even the creator admits and apologies for - but you'd be wrong for thinking it's not a progressive comic. Yeah, it's long - so are a lot of popular things.

Attack on Titan has some of the worst pacing I have ever seen in a TV series ever - at least the endless powering-up sequences in Dragonball Z featured characters trying to accomplish something. Attach on Titan has a dynamic opening four episodes and then features ten in a row of people standing around talking about

"Apologies in advance if this sounds frilly and pretentious, but good magic—be it a coin disappears at the fingertips, or a playing card is hopelessly lost and miraculously rediscovered—should be a shared experience of wonder."

So long as they don't bring in those horrible, horrible Hutt characters from the Clone Wars cartoon I… won't care about this, but will have less of a reason to actively hate it.

Donald has a personality that is much closer in line with the personality he has had the longest i.e. the one from the comic that's been running for the last seventy-odd years.

It's done by Merriam-Webster and is therefore, by definition, shittier.

The rare time I dip in it's… fine. It exists. It has nothing particular to say but can't find a reason to stop speaking.

Oh the bluster isn't great, but that's because the legal writing in the show is awful across the board.

It originated around the time 'every nose should be chronically afflicted with rosacea' turned all the art on Penny Arcade to shit.

GA: Um Is This
GA: A Common Sort Of Practice In Human Courtship
GA: Watching Oblong Meat Products Tumble Into Places They Dont Belong

The Foggy/Karen inchoate romance of season one was so sweet that it adds an extra layer of garbage to season 2, which often felt like it was the "Matt dump shits on Foggy who just has to put up and take it because he's not the handsome action hero lead' show. Fuck that. Foggy is ten times the person Matt is, if for no

I'd argue Season 2 of Daredevil fell apart more or less from the start as the series decided that any character progression that Matt may have had from Season 1 should be dropped because he is at his most interesting when he is a brooding and sad-faced as possible. Couple that to the absurd 'Frank Castle was framed

"grimly sophisticated storytelling with 1986’s The Dark Knight Returns. "