James DeRiven

I mean… yes, sure, but… when the hell was the last time anyone talked about It's Pat? Did that re-enter the public consciousness? No? Then what a weird goddamn jump to make - yeah, that character in the era when all trans representation was basically dog-shit sure was a dog-shit example of trans representation.

Well at least we know they weren't hiring witches.

You're making it worse!

A hole? You were lucky to have an entire hole.

No. God no. Th first movie wasn't named 'Air Bark,' was it?

Don't feel so bad. At least in Florida you've got…

Presumably because it was awful - who would want to, am I right?

I tried re-watching The Right Stuff after re-watching Apollo 13 last year and I thought it was awful, a meandering mess of a movie with a truly appalling electronic score.



Everyone should read North's AT's run if only for his rambling bottom-of-page comments.

Fuck, man. What else is there to say?

Dibs on the nipple.

We're usually not that respectful about it.

[hamilton backlash]

That's fair, although it's killing the pacing if you're watching it on release schedule.

The Wrong Coast. Captain Star. Freakazoid.

The very last scene in the premiere left such a bad taste in my mouth that i've yet to go back and re-watch it to find out if the problem was with my emotional state at the tim or the episode itself. My viewing of it at the time was that it just was too dark, too nasty - I don't mind Rick being an asshole, but I had a

"the United States of America is seen as a beacon of freedom for much of the world, the "Great Experiment"."

I do. She can't hit the high-notes in 'Let IT Go' (or anything else for that matter) and it drives me crazy!