James DeRiven

TT: Sometimes I wonder how you are ever allowed to pay for meals in restaurants.
TT: It must be hard to keep a low profile when you're always overhearing awed voices whisper, "It's that guy who has a blog."
TG: seriously
TG: dudes be worshipping me left and right
TG: i cant hardly walk down the street without stepping

"these hiatuses are really killing the show's sense of flow"

I think the generally underwhelmingness is that, by and large, Adventure Time has said everything it has to say. It still has some stories it wants to tell, sure, but not much new to say.

I would certainly hope so.

Although let's not start acting like Buckley's wit and erudition covered anything of substance.

So I take it this show STILL isn't an adaptation of famed 2007 documentary Zoo about the life and death of Kenneth Pinyan, who died after complications during sex with a horse?

We were discussing television. Studio Sixty? The Newsroom? Atrociously bad - and you're talking to someone who has watched all four of Sorkin's West Wing seasons upwards of fifteen time each. I don't dislike Sorkin because it's trendy, I dislike him because he stopped making good television.

Especially given the last decade-and-change that is Aaron Sorkin's output.

I'd expect nothing less from the disturbed mind of Oliver Cromwell.

Is that second cover supposed to be Liefeld parody or something? Because it looks exactly like his garbage.

Demand probably increased following the story as people were outraged by the exclusion.

Literally holding the glass up to his breasts.

Get out.

Counter: almost none of the plethora of video game character cameos will age well at all nor, as gaming itself changes beyond recognition, will its parodies have much relevance beyond the current generation of movie-goers - hell, man of them were too-dated for young audiencs when the game first came out. How many of

You shut your mouth and show some goddamn respect for the one and only Mary Berry you American pig-dog.

It was fine. It was competently predictable.

"Wreck-It Ralph" is probably the best Disney movie so far this decade.

Mary's off the show, man.

What about ALP cereal?

Better than Twilight.