
lol I didn’t watch any of the videos, but he has like 15k followers and averages a couple thousand views. He’s not “making bank” at all. He’s barely an “influencer”.

This right here. It’s such a THING now to just be an unrepentant fanbois of all sorts of irrational things - *cough*, MAGA, *cough*.

Debt. It’s called debt.

“Hey, I love the company, I love the truck, it’s my dream truck. But just give me a new truck. Please.”

This right here is the problem.

There is not a single corporate or business entity I love. Not a one. No company I’ve ever worked for, nor any company that I am a regular consumer of their products or services. Our

Yes. Just yes. 

I too want to know how a brand new vehicle can have a corroded cable?

The dude is making tons of money from all of the videos about these issues.

I don’t know if laughter is the proper response.  Perhaps amazement and lots of head-shaking.  These folks haven’t just drunk the Kool Aid.  They’re swimming in it, diving below the surface and breathing it as well.

With all the bugs and technical fuckups, I’d say Ubisoft, not EA. Not NEARLY enough microtransactions for an EA product.

Oh of course. I was laughing as I was writing it. None of this behavior is normal or ok.

We’re all laughing at him. Turns out the apartheid emerald billionaire ate his face.

Lol this article was posted for us to laugh at the guy, right? Nobody should feel bad for him. Nobody.

On the other hand, we finally have an answer to the question, “What if EA made cars?” Not that anyone ever thought to ask it, but hey, now we know.

Corrosion in a vehicle that has a life measured in weeks?

Wündertruck”? All I see is Blundertruck.

He’s not giving it up, even though he clearly should. He’s still a total Tesla stan and going to keep driving that junker and dealing with the inevitable breakdowns until the end of time.

“Fanboy finally criticizes Tesla”

God I wish I was so rich in time and money that my only apparent concern was getting my stupid shiny truck to work. 

Lots of Lemon Law attorneys seeing dollar signs here. 

Tesla CEO Elon Musk is back at it, flapping his gums lying his ass off about a new Tesla Roadster