James Cook

yeah, that's some depressing BS right there....rape, no hope, violence, war time atmosphere....

I've got ya both beat, how about when it was called Babbages and they had PC games and NES and Master System games and just a few Gameboy (B/W or green/white LOL) games

The hell it did, they gave up a 2 Run Homer just shortly after...yeah yeah, the ended up blowing them out, but sometimes that's all it takes....scared the crap outta me at the time....

I'm right there with you, I've been looking for a job since May and i found one PT job that nets me 24-35 hours a month ($8/hr = $250-300/mth) With Unemployment, I'm bringing home about $1000/month. Rent is $615, Electricity is $120, Cable/Internet is $140, Cell Phone is $100, Food is $120, Gas is $110, that's $1205

it was the moon (small crescent), going behind the distant clouds...

amen to that one...i'm dealing with two projects here in DFW, dfw connector and north tarrant express, and it's just now getting started with the 2nd one...

Want a bigger Hard Drive and Battery, do what i did....

d@mn Rangers getting blown out 6-0 in the 3rd inning....wtf!!!

CJ Wilson 1-2-3 to start the game....

i'm just signing up for it, but how is it in the rain? DISH was horrible in cloudy or downpours....

I think you're forgetting about GOOGLE, they did just buy a phone maker, why not a phone carrier as well....

The biggest rumor right now is that GOOGLE will "buy" T-Mobile.....

Alberto Del Rio

Alberto Del Rio

What cost $200 in 1991 would cost $316.06 in 2010.

Could you imagine how many disc Final Fantasy XIII (on the PS3) is???

just one more thing to suck on... just saying..

* (made in china)

That's the same guy....part of the Howard and NESter comic too...he's the OG (original gamer) 80's Nintendo of America..also one bad ass lawyer....