I used a q-tip with rubbing alcohol on it to clean them, instead of blowing on them.
I used a q-tip with rubbing alcohol on it to clean them, instead of blowing on them.
You just said, what I was thinking eloquently. ..
I saw this yesterday, I liked it, I laughed more than your four times. This will be added to my comedy movies section when it comes out on Blu Ray. Was it long, yes, could Liam Neeson cracked a joke or two, yes..but I think that's why it liked it (just like I like Demolition Man). It has some good cameos, Alex…
If you're not carrying your 3DS (xl) everywhere, your using it wrong...
That was a belief, not a job....
The reason why they try and sell monster is the sales man gets higher commission on the cables. .. it's not their fault corporate America is pushing this. I don't agree, but it was my job, and I like having these things called paychecks....
8GB DDR3 1600 Kingston
No graphics card (apu with 7660D)
Win 8.1 64bit
Corsair 650w modular ps
Rhymes with Ness. ..but Sness
Only 5 items needed.
1. Stove top
2. Sandwich size griddle
3. Butter
4. Cheese
5. Sliced Bread
I've been buying a few games just in case they get hard to find later on, but I'm just afraid a 64/128GB system is going to come out soon....
Everytime Geoff and Reggie gets together, Geoff always tries to get something extra or push Reggie for more, but Reggie laughs it off and stays the course. I'm still a Nintendo fan, just waiting for the rebirth of the Wii U like the rebirth of the 2/3DS.
Last time i read RARE isn't making the game.. Double Helix is
you would set the wii u tablet on..lets say your coffee table and the screen would show maps/stats and then you use the pro or wii controller to play the game..just a thought
Toys R Us has Golden Sun Dark Dawn for DS for $9.99 right now on clearance......
you mean the naked duck in the tub didn't do it for ya at the beginning? LOL :P
Did you forget the tablet has NFC and you just place the card or figure onto the controller instead having a another USB port taken up....
I can still find them at Wal-Mart