There's no way Romo could of hit her... he can't hold onto the ball properly, let alone hit any of his receivers.....
There's no way Romo could of hit her... he can't hold onto the ball properly, let alone hit any of his receivers.....
Yup same thing here in Dallas, we don't call them SC DALLAS...SMH
Sounds like a job for Ben Heck!
he's picked the idea up from the prince and the 3 amigos....
I have a Samsung 32" CRT HDTV that has two HDMI, two Components and two Composites on the back...i only keep it so I can play 8/16bit games on it.
yup...$400 (puts up an umbrella)
I have absolutely no problems with anything Microsoft has said so far, and like a sane person, will wait until E3 is over to make my final judgement.... The same goes for Nintendo and Sony.....
there's an IHOP in Hurst on Precinct Line and a waffle house on 26 in North Richland hills, maybe 10 mins apart....
pretty much....
I couldn't agree more, ever since the original GBA came out, I've bought more portable software than console software from Nintendo. I'm currently saving to buy 3DS XL and getting rid of my DS Lite.
as long as he doesn't have to wear the short shorts again, anything else will be fine..
I just make it a point to sit naked in the living room when the lady from the office makes her monthly announced visits to check on the apartment. She always asks me if she needs to come back and I say "nope" and just sit back on the couch and sip my morning coffee... and she looks around my apartment in like 10-15…
here ya go
i got a happy meal today, just so i could get optimus prime....
Oh damn it, now I have another series I need to read FML....LOL
The main reason why I love Kotaku, it's the posts after the lame initial post...... was the site that does custom paint jobs. But sadly not for the older consoles...
Have you beaten all 64 games that came out, no? Then shut up, go play them, beat them ALL, then come back to me when you have...I'm still on the 27th myself and NO it's not a Wii(old) game either....